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Excited-State Aromaticity Reversals in Möbius Annulenes
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-06 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.0c08594
Peter B. Karadakov 1 , Make Di 1 , David L. Cooper 2

It is suggested that Möbius annulenes follow a rule similar to Baird’s rule such that the 4n and 4n + 2 criteria for Möbius electronic ground-state aromaticity and antiaromaticity are reversed in the lowest triplet and first singlet excited electronic states. Support comes from an investigation of aromaticity in the ground (S0), lowest triplet (T1), and first singlet excited (S1) electronic states of the Möbius-aromatic cyclononatetraenyl cation, C9H9+, using isotropic magnetic shielding isosurfaces calculated with state-optimized complete-active-space self-consistent field wave functions constructed from gauge-including atomic orbitals. Examination of these isosurfaces demonstrates that while the S0 state of C9H9+ is aromatic, the T1 and S1 states are antiaromatic.



建议莫比乌斯环原子遵循与贝尔德法则相似的规则,使得莫比乌斯电子基态芳香性和抗芳香性的4 n和4 n + 2标准在最低的三重态和第一单重态激发电子态中相反。支持来自对Möbius-芳族环壬酸酯戊烯基阳离子C 9 H 9 +的地下芳香(S 0),最低三重态(T 1)和第一个单重态激发(S 1)电子态的研究。,使用各向同性的电磁屏蔽等值面,这些等值面通过状态优化的完整活动空间自洽场波函数计算得出,该函数由包括轨距在内的原子轨道构成。对这些等值面的检查表明,尽管C 9 H 9 +的S 0状态为芳族,而T 1和S 1状态为抗芳族。