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Segmentichnus mohri igen. et isp. nov., a giant new trace fossil from the Culm facies (lower Carboniferous) of the Franconian Forest (Saxothuringian Belt, Germany)
Ichnos ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-06 , DOI: 10.1080/10420940.2020.1840372
Alfred Uchman 1 , Gerd Geyer 2


A new ichnogenus and ichnospecies, Segmentichnus mohri, is recognized in the lower Carboniferous deep-sea Culm facies deposits in the southern Germany. The trace fossil is an unusually large, horizontal, tubular burrow with primary successive branching and transverse annulation with ring-like, slightly irregular swellings, without wall, preserved in full relief in dark grey slate. Segmentichnus mohri is interpreted to be a locomotion and feeding trace (pascichnion) produced within the mud by unknown ‘worm’-like animal in a turbiditic depositional system. It belongs to the transition between the Paleodictyon and Nereites ichnosubfacies of the Nereites ichnofacies.


Segmentichnus mohri igen。等 11月,一种新的巨型微量化石,来自法兰克森林(Saxothuringian Belt,Germany)的库姆相(下石炭统)


在德国南部较低的石炭纪深海库尔姆岩相沉积中发现了一种新的鱼类和鱼类物种Segmentichnus mohri。微量化石是异常大的,水平的,管状的洞穴,具有主要的连续分支和横向成环状,环状,略微不规则的膨胀,无壁,完全保留在深灰色板岩中。Segmentichnus mohri被解释为是由湍流沉积系统中未知的“蠕虫”状动物在泥浆中产生的运动和进食痕迹(pascichnion)。它属于之间的过渡Paleodictyon遗迹化石Nereites的的ichnosubfacies Nereites遗迹相。
