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Can no‐till restore soil organic carbon to levels under natural vegetation in a subtropical and tropical Typic Quartzipisamment?
Land Degradation & Development ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-06 , DOI: 10.1002/ldr.3822
Ademir de Oliveira Ferreira 1 , João Carlos Sá 2 , Rattan Lal 3 , Telmo Amado 4 , Thiago Inagaki 5 , Clever Briedis 2 , Florent Tivet 6

Sandy soils are widely distributed in Brazil and occur in most states. However, they have serious limitations for agricultural use due to low natural fertility, low water retention capacity, low resilience, and high susceptibility to erosion. Management of these soils through a no‐till (NT) system following its basic principles (i.e., elimination of plowing, diversification of crop rotation, retention of crop residues, and maintenance of permanent soil cover) is a practice that can restore the soil organic carbon (SOC) stock, and restore productivity and economic viability of these soils. We hypothesized that: (a) we can recover the carbon (C) stock in Typic Quartzipisamment in subtropical and tropical climates to the level of native vegetation; (b) the adoption of NT during the initial phase, in conjunction with intensive cropping systems with high plant biomass input, is an efficient strategy to recover SOC in Typic Quartzipisamment soils; and (c) long‐term NT (over 20 years—the maintenance phase), and low/medium input of plant biomass, is an efficient strategy for SOC recovery in Typic Quartzipisamment soils. Thus, the present study aimed at assessment of the recovery of SOC stocks in soil profile (0–1.0 m depth) in a Typic Quartzipisamment in subtropical and tropical climates, in comparison with the neighboring soil under native vegetation (NV). The sites selected for this study are located in two Brazilian grain‐producing regions: (a) Manoel Viana City—Rio Grande do Sul State (MV—site 1) that represents the subtropical climate condition, and (b) Luiz Eduardo Magalhães City—Bahia State (LEM—site 2), which represents the tropical climate. Soil samples were collected from soil profile for 0–1.0 m depth. At site 1, the predominant crop rotation over the years was wheat/soybean/oats + forage turnip/soybean. At site 2, the crop rotation includes cultivation in two periods designated as the crop and off‐seasons, and the succession consisted of soybean/Brachiaria/cotton/millet/soybean/maize‐Brachiaria. In both sites, soils under the neighboring NV were also sampled. SOC content was determined by the dry combustion method using an elemental C and N analyzer. Soil C stock was calculated based on the equivalent soil mass. Approximately 31 and 23% of the SOC stock was stored in the surface at 0–0.20 m, compared with 69 and 77% in 0.20–1.0 m layer of a Typic Quartzipisamment with high and low/medium input of crop residues, respectively. The Typic Quartzipisamment with low/medium input of crop residues fully recovered the stock of C in the surface soil layer (0–0.05 m). The Typic Quartzipisamment with high input of crop residues fully recovered the stock of C in the cultivated (0–0.20 m) and also in deeper soil layers (0–0.40 m). Thus, adoption of NT associated with intensification of cultivation systems and high addition of biomass‐C is an effective strategy for C restoration in a Typic Quartzipisamment, while also playing a crucial role in restoring ecosystem productivity, soil quality, and environment.


在亚热带和热带Typic Quartzipisamment中,免耕措施能否将土壤有机碳还原到自然植被下的水平?

沙土在巴西分布广泛,在大多数州都有分布。但是,由于低的自然肥力,低的保水能力,低的回弹力和高的侵蚀敏感性,它们在农业上具有严重的局限性。遵循其基本原理通过免耕(NT)系统对这些土壤进行管理(即消除耕作,使作物轮作多样化,保留作物残渣和保持土壤永久覆盖)是一种可以恢复土壤有机质的做法。碳(SOC),并恢复这些土壤的生产力和经济生存能力。我们假设:(a)在亚热带和热带气候下,我们可以将典型的Quartzipisamment中的碳(C)储量恢复到原生植被的水平;(b)在初始阶段采用NT结合具有高植物生物量输入量的集约耕作系统,是一种在典型的Quartzipisamment土壤中恢复SOC的有效策略;(c)长期的NT(超过20年的维护阶段)和植物生物量的中低输入量是典型的Quartzipisamment土壤中SOC恢复的有效策略。因此,本研究旨在评估与热带植被(NV)下的邻近土壤相比,在亚热带和热带气候下,典型的Quartzipisamment中土壤剖面(深度为0-1.0 m)的SOC储量的恢复。进行这项研究的地点位于巴西的两个谷物产区:(a)代表亚热带气候条件的南里奥格兰德州州立市(MV-地点1),以及(b)路易斯·爱德华多·马加良斯市(Luiz EduardoMagalhãesCity)巴伊亚州(LEM-网站2),代表热带气候。从土壤剖面中收集深度为0–1.0 m的土壤样品。在1号站点,多年来的主要农作物轮作是小麦/大豆/燕麦+饲用萝卜/大豆。在站点2,轮作包括两个时期的耕种,分别为作物和淡季,其演替过程包括大豆/臂形目/棉/小米/大豆/玉米-臂形目。在两个站点中,还对相邻NV下方的土壤进行了采样。SOC含量通过使用元素C和N分析仪的干式燃烧法测定。基于等效土壤质量计算土壤碳储量。大约31%和23%的SOC原料存储在0-0.20 m的表层中,相比之下,在0.20-1.0 m的Typic Quartzipisamment中分别有高和中/低作物残渣输入量的分别为69%和77%。具有低/中度作物残渣输入的典型的Quartzipisamamment可以完全回收表层土壤层(0-0.05 m)中的C储量。大量残留农作物的典型的Quartzipisamamment可以完全回收耕种(0–0.20 m)和深层土壤(0–0.40 m)中的C储量。因此,采用NT与集约化耕作系统和大量添加生物量碳有关,是典型的Quartzipisamment中恢复碳的有效策略,同时在恢复生态系统生产力,土壤质量和环境方面也起着至关重要的作用。