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Boiling-up of a superheated Lennard-Jones liquid in a channel with solid smooth walls
Chemical Physics Letters ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2020.138159
Vladimir G. Baidakov , Sergey P. Protsenko , Vasiliy M. Bryukhanov

Nucleation of bubbles in a stretched Lennard-Jones liquid located between two flat smooth solid walls has been investigated by the molecular dynamics method. A dense monomolecular liquid layer is maintained on the wall surface during near-wall boiling-up at the moment of bubble origin. The centers of bubbles are located mainly at a distance of (1.5–3) molecular diameters from the walls. The nucleation rate in the near-wall layer is two orders of magnitude higher than in a homogeneous liquid. Liquid boiling-up in the presence of smooth wettable walls proceeds by the mechanism of homogeneous nucleation, independently of the bubble formation location.



