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Sequences, discontinuities and water stratification in a low-energy ramp: the Early Albian sedimentation in central Tunisia
International Journal of Earth Sciences ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s00531-020-01951-4
Etienne Jaillard , Abir Chihaoui , Jean-Louis Latil , Ihsen Zghal

Based on a precise biostratigraphic framework stated previously, the detailed sedimentological study of eight sections of the early Albian succession of Central Tunisia made possible to refine the modalities of the Albian transgression and the related behavior of sedimentary system on the Tunisian margin. Major early Albian transgressive pulses occurred (i) at the base of the L. tardefurcata standard ammonite zone, (ii) around the top of the same zone, (iii) during the D. mammillatum standard zone, and (iv) near the top of the latter ammonite zone. They resulted in the progressive flooding of the Tunisian margin emergent since the Aptian boundary, in the disappearance of emergence evidences through time, in the southward backstepping of the carbonate shelf facies, and eventually in the homogeneization of the outer shelf marly sedimentation in the study area. The low energy of deposition of the early Albian sediments in this part of the South-Tethyan margin may be due to the deflection of winds and storms by the Coriolis forces toward the North-Tethyan margin, creating a clockwise gyre in this part of the ocean. This circulation may have enhanced upwelling currents likely responsible for phosphate mineralization, and for the oxygen depletion of deep waters, which progressively invaded the Tunisian margin, giving way to organic-rich deposits of late early Albian age. The early Albian sedimentation is then interrupted by a major hiatus of middle Albian to early late Albian age.



根据先前所述的精确的生物地层学框架,对突尼斯中部早期阿尔比亚演替的八个部分进行了详细的沉积学研究,从而有可能完善阿尔比亚海侵的形态和突尼斯边缘沉积系统的相关行为。主要的早期Albian海侵脉冲发生在(i)塔德福塔塔烟草标准standard区底部,(ii)在同一区域的顶部附近,(iii)乳头D.标准区,以及(iv)后者的亚mon石区顶部附近。他们导致了自阿普特边界以来突尼斯边缘的渐进性泛滥,随着时间的推移消失了证据,碳酸盐岩层相向南向后退,最终导致研究区外层灰质沉积物均质化。 。南部特提斯边缘的早期Albian沉积物的沉积能量较低,这可能是由于科里奥利部队将风和暴风偏向北部特提斯边缘,从而在海洋的这一部分产生了顺时针旋转。这种循环可能会增加上升流,这可能是造成磷酸盐矿化和深水氧气耗竭的原因,这些水逐渐侵入突尼斯边缘,让位于阿尔比早期晚期的富含有机物的矿床。然后,阿尔比早期沉积被阿尔比中部至阿尔比早期晚期的主要裂隙中断。
