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Tectonic control on hydrocarbon generation in the northwestern Neuquén Basin, Argentina
AAPG Bulletin ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1306/05082018171
Harald Karg , Ralf Littke

The petroleum systems of the Malargue fold–thrust belt in the northwestern Neuquen Basin, Argentina, comprise multiple reservoir and seal rocks and three major source rocks of the Lower Jurassic (Los Molles Formation [Fm.]), the lower Tithonian to lower Valanginian (Vaca Muerta Fm.), and the lower Hauterivian to lower Barremian (Agrio Fm.). The thermal history of the Mesozoic source rocks has been reconstructed using one-dimensional and two-dimensional modeling. The most important factors that affected the source-rock maturation are the timing of maximum Late Cretaceous to Paleogene burial and the heat flow during back-arc extension. We postulate that synclines have been buried over longer periods and source-rock maturation ceased earlier in anticlines, accordingly. Hydrocarbon generation from the Vaca Muerta Fm. and Agrio Fm. has started during the Campanian. Despite late-stage magmatic activity causing local thermal perturbations, the models suggest that the thermal field has been dominated by conductive heat transport and that heat flow has been a response to the evolution from back-arc extension to orogenic shortening. High heat flows of 85 mW/m2 during back-arc extension between the latest Cretaceous and Paleogene have been modeled. Two main source pods supply hydrocarbons until the present. They are related to structurally deep footwall positions of thrust faults, active since the Late Cretaceous, and to deep frontal synclines, having formed through late-stage thick-skinned tectonics since the Neogene. Modeling of hydrocarbon fluid type is consistent with existing oil fields exhibiting light and medium oils with API between 22° API and 39° API, charged from early- to peak-mature source rocks.



阿根廷内乌肯盆地西北部马拉格褶皱冲断带的石油系统包括多套储集层和封闭岩以及下侏罗统(Los Molles组[Fm.])、下提通阶到下瓦兰吉阶的三大烃源岩( Vaca Muerta Fm.),以及下 Hauterivian 到下 Barremian (Agrio Fm.)。中生代烃源岩的热历史已使用一维和二维建模重建。影响烃源岩成熟的最重要因素是晚白垩世至古近纪最大埋藏时间和弧后伸展过程中的热流。我们假设向斜被埋藏的时间更长,相应地,背斜中烃源岩的成熟停止得更早。Vaca Muerta Fm 的碳氢化合物生成。和 Agrio Fm。已经开始在坎帕尼亚时期。尽管后期岩浆活动导致局部热扰动,但模型表明热场一直以传导热传输为主,热流是对从弧后伸展到造山带缩短的演变的响应。已经模拟了最新白垩纪和古近纪之间弧后延伸期间 85 mW/m2 的高热流。到目前为止,两个主要的源舱供应碳氢化合物。它们与自晚白垩世以来活动的逆冲断层的构造深下盘位置以及自新近纪以来通过晚期厚皮构造形成的深前向向斜有关。烃类流体类型建模与现有油田一致,显示轻油和中油,API 介于 22° API 和 39° API 之间,