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Winter Maintenance of Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavement: Evaluating Opportunities to Reduce Road Salt Pollution and Improve Winter Safety
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-05 , DOI: 10.1177/0361198120957320
Jeffrey T. Marvin 1 , Jody Scott 1 , Tim Van Seters 2 , Robert Bowers 3 , Jennifer Anne Drake 1

Permeable interlocking concrete pavement (PICP) is a type of permeable pavement system that uses the joint spaces between pavers to drain water from the surface into an aggregate base and subbase layer below. Because of its ability to rapidly drain surface water, PICP has the potential to reduce the amount of ice formed on the surface during winter conditions compared with traditional impervious pavements. As a result, PICP may reduce the amount of road salt needed for de-icing paved surfaces and may also reduce the risk of pedestrian slipping and vehicle skidding throughout the winter. This study evaluates the performance of an outdoor PICP and asphalt test pad over two winter seasons in Vaughan, Ontario, Canada, by assessing differences in surface conditions, surface friction, and surface temperatures. The results of this study indicate that PICP provides equivalent or higher levels of safety compared with asphalt when treated with de-icing products at medium (0.049 kg/m2) or low (0.024 kg/m2) application rates. Re-freezing of melted snow and ice after sunset was observed on the asphalt surface creating black ice, but not on the PICP cells. Consequently, compared with asphalt pavements, PICP surfaces will require use of less de-icer and will have lower risk of slips and falls for pedestrians, and lower risk of skidding for vehicles throughout the winter.



渗透性互锁混凝土路面(PICP)是一种渗透性路面系统,它利用摊铺机之间的接缝空间将水从地面排放到下面的骨料基础层和次基层中。由于具有快速排干地表水的能力,与传统的不透水路面相比,PICP在冬季条件下具有减少地表结冰的潜力。因此,PICP可以减少铺砌路面除冰所需的路盐量,还可以降低整个冬季行人打滑和车辆打滑的风险。这项研究通过评估表面条件,表面摩擦力和表面温度的差异,评估了加拿大安大略省旺市的两个冬季冬季户外PICP和沥青测试垫的性能。2)或较低(0.024 kg / m 2)的施用量。日落后,在沥青表面观察到融化的雪和冰重新冻结,从而形成黑冰,但在PICP电池上却没有。因此,与沥青路面相比,PICP表面将需要使用更少的除冰剂,并且行人滑倒和滑倒的风险更低,并且整个冬季车辆的打滑风险也更低。
