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Movements of juvenile and sub-adult striped bass Morone saxatilis in the Saint John River, New Brunswick
Endangered Species Research ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-05 , DOI: 10.3354/esr01074
SN Andrews 1 , T Linnansaari 1, 2 , NM Leblanc 3 , SA Pavey 3 , RA Curry 1, 2

Juvenile striped bass (age-1) of distinct genetic ancestry were re-discovered in the Saint John River, New Brunswick in 2014 after a 35 yr hiatus of recognition. These juveniles were determined to be highly genetically divergent from all possible source populations, hypothesized to be of Saint John River ancestry, and thus considered evidence of the continued existence of the native stock. Successful recruitment of strong year classes of striped bass within the Saint John River, however, appears to be infrequent. We acoustically tagged and tracked juvenile and subadult striped bass (n = 37; age 2−4) in the Saint John River in both 2015 and 2016, and identified summer feeding and overwintering habitats that established an in-river residency. Following decades of poor or no recruitment, it is now imperative that managers quickly include monitoring of juvenile and sub-adult striped bass and protection of their habitats in the conservation and recovery efforts for Saint John River striped bass stock.


新不伦瑞克省圣约翰河的幼年和亚成体条纹鲈 Morone saxatilis 的运动

2014 年在新不伦瑞克省的圣约翰河重新发现了具有不同遗传血统的幼年条纹鲈鱼(1 岁),经过 35 年的识别中断。这些幼鱼被确定与所有可能的来源种群具有高度的遗传差异,假设它们具有圣约翰河血统,因此被认为是本地种群持续存在的证据。然而,在圣约翰河内成功招募强壮的一年级条纹鲈鱼似乎并不常见。我们在 2015 年和 2016 年对圣约翰河中的幼鱼和亚成鱼条纹鲈鱼(n = 37;2-4 岁)进行了声学标记和跟踪,并确定了建立河内栖息地的夏季觅食和越冬栖息地。经过几十年的招聘不佳或没有招聘,