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Application of D-KSVD in compressed sensing based video coding
Optik Pub Date : 2020-11-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2020.165917
Hao-quan Wang , Qian-nan Tang , Ya-hui Wang , Shi-lei Ren

Compressed sensing theory based distributed video coding is one of the active topics in video coding research filed. In the compressed perception theory, the KSVD dictionary is usually used to achieve signal sparsity. In this paper,Based on the K-SVD algorithm, this paper proposes to apply the discriminative K-SVD (d-ksvd) algorithm to distributed compressed sensing video coding. We evaluate our method using the video in YUV format. It is verified by experiments that our method not only achieve better result of reconstruction but also save lot of time in terms of computing time.



