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Seed oil content and phenology of Physaria species (Brassicaceae) differing in their life-cycle
Industrial Crops and Products ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2020.113083
Luciana González-Paleo , Damián Ravetta

Phenology of reproduction influences the concentration of the oil in the seeds, through changes in grain filling dynamics and biosynthetic activity. The objective was to evaluate differences in seed quality and phenology among species of Physaria differing in life-cycle: annuals-P. gracilis and P. angustifolia; and perennials- P. pinetorum and P. mendocina. The effect of the timing of the seed filling on seed weight and oil content in a common garden experiment in Patagonia, Argentina, was evaluated. Both annual species bloomed earlier and had a shorter and compressed growth-cycle, than the perennials. P. mendocina showed longer phenological phases and bloomed and started the fruit ripening stage later, while P. pinetorum had an intermediate duration of the flowering-fruiting stages. Seed yield was 25 % higher in annuals, but oil concentration and oil-yield were not related to life-cycle. P. gracilis and P. mendocina produced seeds with higher oil content that those reported for the commercial species Physaria fendleri. Higher temperature during seed-filling influenced oil accumulation in the seed. The seed oil content of P. mendocina, remained stable throughout the season while in the other three species it tended to decrease over time as temperature increased, in an inverse relationship between temperature and oil content. Indirect effects of temperature on growth components such as premature senescence or low photosynthetic capacity could also explain these trends. Seed weight was stable in time in all species. Selection of early maturing plants should improve oil-content only in those species in which oil-content is temperature-dependent (i.e. annuals and P. pinetorum) or is affected by a reduction in the capacity of the source to produce carbohydrates. The source-sink ratio and the plant’s internal balance of carbohydrates, including reserves could play an important role in the regulation of grain quality.



繁殖物候学通过改变籽粒填充动力学和生物合成活性来影响种子中油的浓度。目的是评价在物种间种子质量和物候差异Physaria在生命周期不同:annuals- P.眼虫P.狭叶; 和多年生植物-P . pinetorumP. mendocina。在阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚的一个普通花园试验中,评估了种子灌装时间对种子重量和油含量的影响。与多年生植物相比,这两个一年生植物的花期都更早,并且压缩的生长周期更短。薄荷表现出更长的物候期并开始开花,随后开始果实成熟阶段,而松果油菜则处于开花结果阶段的中间阶段。每年的种子产量增加25%,但油的浓度和油的产量与生命周期无关。P. gracilisP. mendocina产生的种子含油量比商业种Physaria fendleri更高。种子灌装期间的较高温度影响了种子中的油积累。薄荷的种子油含量在整个季节中保持稳定,而在其他三个物种中,随着温度的升高,温度倾向于随时间下降,温度与含油量呈反比关系。温度对生长成分的间接影响,例如过早衰老或光合能力低,也可以解释这些趋势。所有物种的种子重量在时间上都是稳定的。选择早熟植物仅在那些含油量与温度相关的物种(即一年生和松果)或受其生产碳水化合物的能力下降影响的物种中,才能提高含油量。源库比和植物内部的碳水化合物(包括储备)的内部平衡可能在调节谷物品质中起重要作用。
