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Theoretical study on the enthalpies of adduct formation between alkyl iodides and chlorine atoms
Chemical Physics Letters ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2020.138140
Ryuichi Wada , Kenichi Tonokura , Shohei Koba , Tomonobu Imamura , Kosuke Nakai , Hiroshi Ushiyama , Koichi Yamashita , Yutaka Matsumi , Shinichi Enami , Paul W. Seakins

The equilibrium geometries for the ground state of the adducts formed between alkyl iodides (RI) and chlorine (Cl) atoms were optimized, and the enthalpies of adduct formations (EAFs) were obtained. The EAFs decreased when the number of alkyl substituents on the C atom bonded to I atom was increased. This trend suggests that the amount of charge transferred from the electron-donating alkyl group to Isingle bondCl increases in accordance with the number of substituents, which results in the stabilization of the adduct. Charge density distribution between the Cl and H atoms was an additional mechanism to stabilize the adducts.



