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The Alaska Transportable Array: As Built
Seismological Research Letters ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1785/0220200154
Robert W. Busby 1 , Kasey Aderhold 1

Alaska is the last frontier and final destination for the National Science Foundation‐supported EarthScope USArray Transportable Array (TA) project. The goal of this project is to record earthquakes and image the structure of the North American continent. The Alaska TA consists of 283 broadband seismic stations evenly spaced about 85 km apart to cover the state of Alaska and into western Canada. The sensor emplacement technique and station design were developed specifically for superior performance—both in terms of seismic noise levels and station durability. This technique and design were used for the 194 new stations installed as well as the 32 existing broadband stations that were upgraded. Trial stations were installed in 2011–2013 as part of a process to test and refine the installation design. The main deployment began in 2014 using the final station design and was completed in 2017. From 2018 through 2020, Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS) operated the Alaska TA by performing servicing, station improvements, and data quality monitoring. High data return was maintained throughout, though some stations had lower real‐time data delivery in winter. 110 TA stations are expected to transition to other operators in 2019 and 2020, and the data from these are openly available under new network codes. The last 84 stations are expected to be removed during the 2021 field season to close out the TA project. The Alaska TA was installed safely despite a challenging environment and has been operated to maximize the continuity and quality of data collected across a vast geographic region, enabling exciting scientific research for years to come.



阿拉斯加是美国国家科学基金会支持的EarthScope USArray可移动阵列(TA)项目的最后一个疆域和最终目的地。该项目的目的是记录地震并为北美大陆的结构成像。阿拉斯加电讯管理局由283个宽带地震台站组成,它们平均间隔约85公里,以覆盖阿拉斯加州和加拿大西部。传感器安装技术和测站设计专门针对卓越性能而开发,无论是在地震噪声水平还是测站耐久性方面。此技术和设计用于安装的194个新站以及已升级的32个现有宽带站。在2011-2013年安装了试验站,作为测试和完善安装设计过程的一部分。主要部署于2014年开始使用最终站设计,并于2017年完成。从2018年到2020年,美国地震研究所(IRIS)通过执行服务,站改进和数据质量监控来运营阿拉斯加TA。尽管某些站点冬季的实时数据传递速度较慢,但​​整个过程仍保持较高的数据返回率。预计在2019年和2020年将有110个TA站过渡到其他运营商,这些数据将在新的网络代码下公开提供。预计在2021年野外作业季节将拆除最后84个站,以结束TA项目。尽管环境充满挑战,但仍安全地安装了阿拉斯加TA,并已在最大范围内进行操作,以最大程度地提高所收集数据的连续性和质量,