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A Unified Accreting Magnetar Model for Long-duration Gamma-Ray Bursts and Some Stripped-envelope Supernovae
The Astrophysical Journal Letters ( IF 8.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-04 , DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/abc254
W. L. Lin 1 , X. F. Wang 1, 2, 3 , L. J. Wang 4 , Z. G. Dai 5, 6

Both the long-duration gamma-ray bursts (LGRBs) and the Type I superluminous supernovae (SLSNe I) have been proposed to be primarily powered by central magnetars. A correlation, proposed between the initial spin period (P 0) and the surface magnetic field (B) of the magnetars powering the X-ray plateaus in LGRB afterglows, indicates a possibility that the magnetars have reached an equilibrium spin period due to the fallback accretion. The corresponding accretion rates are inferred as $\dot{M}\approx {10}^{-4}\mbox{--}{10}^{-1}$ M s−1, and this result holds for the cases of both isotropic and collimated magnetar wind. For the SLSNeI and a fraction of engine-powered normal Type Ic supernovae (SNe Ic) and the broad-lined subclass (SNe Ic-BL), the magnetars could also reach an accretion-induced spin equilibrium, but the corresponding $B\mbox{--}{P}_{0}$ distribution suggests a different accretion rate range, i.e., $\dot{M}\approx {10}^{-7}\mbox{--}{10}^{-3}$ M s−1. Considering the effect of fallback accretion, magnetars with relatively weak fields are responsible for the SLSNeI, while those with stronger magnetic fields could power SNeIc/Ic-BL. Some SLSNeI in our sample could arise from compact progenitor stars, while others that require longer-term accretion may originate from the progenitor stars with more extended envelopes or circumstellar medium.



长期伽马射线暴 (LGRB) 和 I 型超光速超新星 (SLSN I) 都被提议主要由中央磁星提供动力。初始自旋周期 ( P 0 ) 与为LGRB 余辉中的 X 射线平台提供动力的磁星的表面磁场 ( B )之间的相关性表明,由于回退,磁星可能已达到平衡自旋周期吸积。相应的吸积率推导出为$\dot{M}\approx {10}^{-4}\mbox{--}{10}^{-1}$ M s -1,并且该结果适用于各向同性和准直磁星风的情况。对于 SLSNeI 和一小部分发动机驱动的正常 Ic 型超新星 (SNe Ic) 和宽线亚类 (SNe Ic-BL),磁星也可以达到吸积诱导的自旋平衡,但相应的$B\mbox{--}{P}_{0}$分布表明不同吸积率范围,即$\dot{M}\approx {10}^{-7}\mbox{--}{10}^{-3}$ M s -1。考虑到回退吸积的影响,磁场相对较弱的磁星负责 SLSNeI,而磁场较强的磁星可以为 SNeIc/Ic-BL 提供动力。我们样本中的一些 SLSNeI 可能来自致密的前身星,而其他需要长期吸积的可能来自具有更大包层或星周介质的前身星。
