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Study of freeze-thaw cycle and key radiation transfer parameters in a Tibetan Plateau lake using LAKE2.0 model and field observations
Journal of Glaciology ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-04 , DOI: 10.1017/jog.2020.87
Zhaoguo Li , Shihua Lyu , Lijuan Wen , Lin Zhao , Yinhuan Ao , Xianhong Meng

The Tibetan Plateau (TP) lakes are sensitive to climate change due to its seasonal ice cover, but few studies have paid attention to the freeze-thaw process of TP lakes and its key control parameters. By combining 216 simulation experiments using the LAKE2.0 model with the observations, we evaluated the effects of ice and snow albedo, ice (Kdi) and water (Kdw) extinction coefficients on the lake ice phenology, water temperature, sensible and latent heat fluxes. The reference experiment performs well in simulating the lake temperature, with a small positive bias increasing with depth, but it underestimates the ice thickness. The increase of ice albedo, snow albedo and Kdi induce a significant decrease in water temperature. Compared with the latent heat, the sensible heat flux is more sensitive to these three parameters. The ice thickness increases almost linearly with the increase of ice albedo but decreases with the increase of Kdi. The ice thickness and frozen days vary little with Kdw, but increasing Kdw can decrease the water temperature. Compared with the ice albedo, the Kdi and snow albedo have a large effect on the number of frozen days. This study brings to light the necessity to improve the parameterizations of the TP lakes freeze-thaw process.



青藏高原(TP)湖泊由于其季节性冰盖对气候变化敏感,但很少有研究关注TP湖泊的冻融过程及其关键控制参数。通过将使用 LAKE2.0 模型的 216 次模拟实验与观测结果相结合,我们评估了冰雪反照率、冰 (ķ) 和水 (ķdw) 湖冰物候、水温、感热和潜热通量的消光系数。参考实验在模拟湖温方面表现良好,正偏差随深度增加而增加,但低估了冰层厚度。冰反照率、雪反照率和ķ导致水温明显下降。与潜热相比,显热通量对这三个参数更为敏感。冰层厚度随着冰反照率的增加几乎呈线性增加,但随着冰层反照率的增加而减小ķ. 冰层厚度和结冰天数变化不大ķdw, 但增加ķdw可以降低水温。与冰反照率相比,ķ和雪反照率对冰冻天数有很大影响。本研究揭示了改进 TP 湖泊冻融过程参数化的必要性。