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Low cost measurement of moisture content in long grain paddy
Journal of Stored Products Research ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jspr.2020.101728
Siwalak Pathaveerat , Pimpan Pruengam

ABATRACT A method was proposed and assessed for measuring the moisture content of paddy using a moisture inspection card. The effects were investigated of the head space, testing duration and moisture content of paddy on cobalt chloride-coated paper discoloration. The coated paper production process consisted of soaking paper in a solution of cobalt (II) chloride and methyl alcohol and then drying at 60 °C. The experiments using the paddy and coated paper were carried out in a jar with the head space of 25%, 50% or 75%, with the lid closed for 30 or 45 min. The results of the experiment to measure the change of the coated paper in the paddy with moisture content of 10–24% wb showed that the paper color slowly changed from blue to pink with an increase in the moisture content. Evaluation using the CIE color system found that the color value from experiments with a head space of 75% for 30 min was not significantly different from that used with a head space of 50% or 25% for 45 min, though for all head space levels, testing duration of 45 min there was more color than for 30 min with the different moisture contents of paddy. Hence, using a head space of 75% for 45 min produced significantly highest color value, so these conditions would be sufficient to allow the paddy moisture content to equilibrate with the relative humidity in the head space. The L∗, a∗, and b∗ values of the coated paper were converted to RGB values for color image printing to subsequently produce a moisture inspection card, based on the color change of the coated paper. In addition, the moisture inspection card is low cost could be reused, so it would be suitable for use by farmers in rural areas.



ABATRACT 提出并评估了一种使用水分检测卡测量稻谷水分含量的方法。研究了稻谷的顶部空间、测试持续时间和水分含量对氯化钴涂层纸变色的影响。铜版纸生产工艺包括将纸浸泡在氯化钴 (II) 和甲醇的溶液中,然后在 60 °C 下干燥。使用稻谷和涂布纸的实验在顶部空间为 25%、50% 或 75% 的罐子中进行,盖上盖子 30 或 45 分钟。测量水分含量为 10-24% wb 的稻田中涂层纸变化的实验结果表明,随着水分含量的增加,纸张颜色从蓝色缓慢变为粉红色。使用 CIE 颜色系统的评估发现,顶空 75% 30 分钟实验的颜色值与顶空 50% 或 25% 45 分钟实验的颜色值没有显着差异,尽管对于所有顶空水平, 45 分钟的测试持续时间比 30 分钟的测试时间更多,稻谷的水分含量不同。因此,使用 75% 的顶部空间 45 分钟会产生显着最高的色值,因此这些条件足以使稻谷水分含量与顶部空间的相对湿度平衡。根据涂层纸的颜色变化,将涂层纸的 L∗、a∗ 和 b∗ 值转换为用于彩色图像打印的 RGB 值,随后生成水分检测卡。此外,水分检测卡成本低,可重复使用,