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Integrative taxonomy confirms two new West-Palaearctic species allied with Chrysotoxum vernale Loew, 1841 (Diptera: Syrphidae)
Organisms Diversity & Evolution ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s13127-020-00465-w
Zorica Nedeljković , Antonio Ricarte , Ljiljana Šašić Zorić , Mihajla Djan , Rüstem Hayat , Ante Vujić , Mª Ángeles Marcos-García

The taxonomy of the syrphid genus Chrysotoxum Meigen, 1803 (Diptera: Syrphidae), is complex and currently under scrutiny. Two new species allied with Chrysotoxum vernale , one from the Western Mediterranean, Chrysotoxum hispanicum sp. n. and the other from the Eastern Mediterranean, Chysotoxum anatolicum sp. n., are described and illustrated. Chrysotoxum hispanicum sp. n. is distinguished from the similar C. vernale Loew by the size of the yellow abdominal fasciae and shape of surstyli. Chrysotoxum anatolicum sp. n., known only from females, possesses an almost entirely yellow-pigmented wing, unusual amongst the other studied species of the C. vernale group. Additionally, C. hispanicum sp. n. and C. anatolicum sp. n. are separated from each other, as well as from other species of the C. vernale group by COI and ITS2 gene markers. An identification key to the West Palaearctic species of the C. vernale group is provided.


综合分类法确认了与 Chrysotoxum vernale Loew 相关的两个新的西古北物种,1841(双翅目:Syrphidae)

食蚜蝇属 Chrysotoxum Meigen,1803(双翅目:食蚜蝇科)的分类很复杂,目前正在接受审查。与 Chrysotoxum vernale 结缘的两个新物种,一个来自西地中海,Chrysotoxum hispanicum sp。n. 另一个来自东地中海, Chysotoxum anatolicum sp。n., 被描述和说明。Chrysotoxum hispanicum sp. n. 与类似的 C. vernale Loew 的区别在于黄色腹部筋膜的大小和 surstyli 的形状。Chrysotoxum anatolicum sp. n.,仅见于雌性,拥有几乎完全染成黄色的翅膀,这在 C. vernale 组的其他研究物种中是不寻常的。此外,C. hispanicum sp。n. 和 C. anatolicum sp。n. 通过 COI 和 ITS2 基因标记相互分离,以及与 C. vernale 组的其他物种分离。