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Simple larvae sustain the world’s smallest marine vertebrates
Coral Reefs ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s00338-020-02016-3
Christopher H. R. Goatley , Simon J. Brandl , Stephen Wroe , David R. Bellwood

Cryptobenthic reef fishes (small, camouflaged, benthic-dwelling fishes) face exceptionally high mortality rates, yet they are the most abundant fishes on coral reefs. To maintain local adult populations in the face of these mortality rates, larval cryptobenthics may have adaptations that limit dispersal. However, the basis for this larval retention is unknown. Here, we compared the body shapes of adult and larval cryptobenthics with those of adult and larval large reef fishes to explore how morphological adaptations may enable cryptobenthic larvae to stay near their natal reefs. We found that while adults and larvae of large reef fishes and adult cryptobenthics display different ‘average’ morphological characteristics (i.e. different locations of the morphospace centroid), they all display a similar range of body shapes (i.e. similar morphospace sizes around their centroids). Larval cryptobenthics, however, exhibit a greatly constrained range of morphologies (occupying less than 20% of the morphospace of any other category). Larval cryptobenthics appear to be limited to a simple body plan, with elongate bodies and small fins. This simple body shape is likely to result in relatively poor swimming abilities, which may limit the ability of cryptobenthic larvae to maintain their position against prevailing currents in the pelagic zone. As such, limited dispersal in cryptobenthic larvae is likely to depend upon behavioural adaptations, such as flow-refuging, to avoid being washed away from their natal reefs.



隐底礁鱼(小型、伪装、栖息于底栖的鱼类)死亡率极高,但它们是珊瑚礁上数量最多的鱼类。为了在面临这些死亡率的情况下维持当地的成虫种群,隐身幼虫可能具有限制扩散的适应性。然而,这种幼虫滞留的基础尚不清楚。在这里,我们比较了成体和幼体隐底栖动物与成体和幼体大型礁鱼的体型,以探索形态适应性如何使隐底栖幼体能够留在它们的出生礁附近。我们发现,虽然大型礁鱼和隐底栖动物成虫的成虫和幼虫表现出不同的“平均”形态特征(即形态空间质心的不同位置),但它们都显示出相似的体型范围(即 其质心周围的相似形态空间大小)。然而,隐身幼体的形态范围非常有限(占任何其他类别形态空间的不到 20%)。隐身幼体似乎仅限于简单的身体结构,具有细长的身体和小鳍。这种简单的体型很可能会导致游泳能力相对较差,这可能会限制隐底栖动物幼虫在远洋区的主流水流中保持其位置的能力。因此,隐匿底栖幼虫的有限扩散很可能取决于行为适应,例如流动避难,以避免被冲走它们的出生礁。表现出非常有限的形态范围(占据任何其他类别的形态空间不到 20%)。隐身幼体似乎仅限于简单的身体结构,具有细长的身体和小鳍。这种简单的体型很可能会导致游泳能力相对较差,这可能会限制隐底栖动物幼虫在远洋区的主流水流中保持其位置的能力。因此,隐匿底栖幼虫的有限扩散很可能取决于行为适应,例如流动避难,以避免被冲走它们的出生礁。表现出非常有限的形态范围(占据任何其他类别的形态空间不到 20%)。隐身幼体似乎仅限于简单的身体结构,具有细长的身体和小鳍。这种简单的体型很可能会导致游泳能力相对较差,这可能会限制隐底栖动物幼虫在远洋区的主流水流中保持其位置的能力。因此,隐匿底栖幼虫的有限扩散很可能取决于行为适应,例如流动避难,以避免被冲走它们的出生礁。这可能会限制隐底栖动物幼虫在远洋区域保持其位置以对抗盛行水流的能力。因此,隐匿底栖幼虫的有限扩散很可能取决于行为适应,例如流动避难,以避免被冲走它们的出生礁。这可能会限制隐底栖动物幼虫在远洋区域保持其位置以对抗盛行水流的能力。因此,隐匿底栖幼虫的有限扩散很可能取决于行为适应,例如流动避难,以避免被冲走它们的出生礁。