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New records of eumenine wasps (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae) from Russia, with description of a new species of Stenodynerus de Saussure, 1863
Journal of Hymenoptera Research ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-30 , DOI: 10.3897/jhr.79.57887
Alexander F. Fateryga , Maxim Yu. Proshchalykin , Denis N. Kochetkov , Batchuluun Buyanjargal

New additions to the knowledge of the subfamily Eumeninae in Russia are provided. Stenodynerus rossicus Fateryga & Kochetkov, sp. nov. is described from Amurskaya Province and Altai Republic. Three species of eumenine wasps are reported from Russia for the first time: Onychopterocheilus kiritshenkoi (Kostylev, 1940), Pterocheilus quaesitus (Morawitz, 1895), and Stenodynerus chitgarensis Giordani Soika, 1970. Ancistrocerus dusmetiolus (Strand, 1914) is excluded from the fauna of Russia; the previous records of this species were based on a misidentification of another similar species, i. e., A. raddei (Kostylev, 1940). The taxonomic status of A. raddei, however, is unclear: its differences from A. dusmetiolus, including the material from Central Asia described as A. alius (Kostylev, 1935), are mainly in the color pattern but not in the structure (including the structure of the male genitalia). New and confirmative regional records for 20 species are reported. The known fauna of Russia currently numbers 34 genera and 165 species of Eumeninae s. l. (including Raphiglossinae and Zethinae). In addition, Eumenes tripunctatus (Christ, 1791) is reported for the first time from Afghanistan; the first data on the nesting of this species are also reported.


来自俄罗斯的常春藤黄蜂的新记录(膜翅目,维斯皮科,杜仲科),并描述了一种新的Stenodynerus de Saussure物种,1863年

提供了对俄罗斯亚科Eumeninae知识的新补充。Stenodynerus rossicus Fateryga和Kochetkov,sp。十一月 从Amurskaya省和阿尔泰共和国描述。俄罗斯首次报道了三种类型的常青藤黄蜂:Onychopterocheilus kiritshenkoi(Kostylev,1940年),Pterocheilus quaesitus(Morawitz,1895年)和Stenodynerus chitgarensis Giordani Soika,1970年。Dusmetiolus Ancistrocerus dusmetiolus(1914年被剔除)俄罗斯 该物种先前的记录是基于对另一个相似物种,即raddei的错误识别(Kostylev,1940)。但是,尚不知道raddei的分类学地位:它与dusmetiolus的区别,包括来自中亚的被称为A. alius的材料(Kostylev,1935年),主要是在颜色模式,而不是在结构(包括男性生殖器的结构)中。报告了20种新的确认性区域记录。俄罗斯已知的动物区系目前有34个属和165种Eumeninae sl(包括Raphiglossinae和Zethinae)。此外,据报道,阿富汗首次出现了Eumenes tripunctatus(基督,1791年)。还报道了有关该物种筑巢的第一批数据。