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Ophthalmic complaints in face-mask wearing: prevalence, treatment, and prevention with a potential protective effect against SARS-CoV-2
Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1080/13102818.2020.1838323
Evelina Marinova 1 , Dimitar Dabov 1 , Yani Zdravkov 1

ABSTRACT: The global pandemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome, COVID-19 affects the world’s economics, social and health systems and has a great impact on every person’s life. In an attempt to control the spread of the disease, regular usage of face masks became an ordinary routine. A large proportion of the population is reporting ocular symptoms through the period of mask-wearing that are still underestimated. Thus the eyes are not only widely exposed to a potential viral invasion but are also under the influence of an additional irritant factor, the face mask usage. The results of our pilot study indicate that the presence and severity of the ocular complaints are dependent on the type of mask and the duration of usage. Now, in the COVID-19 outbreak, the protection of the anterior ocular surface is necessary more than ever to contribute to personal eye health. Based on the concept for the protective role of the tear film and specifically, its lipid layer against the SARS-CoV-2 invasion, all substances sustaining tear film balance and lipid layer thickness could be beneficial in ensuring the local defense mechanisms. Some medications approved for the treatment of dry eye symptoms may have a defensive effect against the viral invasion, which should be additionally evaluated. The topical ophthalmic application of Cyclosporine A, Chloroquine, Azithromycin, Povidone Iodine, Hypertonic saline drops might contribute to local protection and ensure high local dose in minimum systemic effects.


戴口罩引起的眼科疾病:对 SARS-CoV-2 具有潜在保护作用的流行、治疗和预防

摘要:严重急性呼吸系统综合症的全球大流行,COVID-19 影响世界经济、社会和卫生系统,并对每个人的生活产生重大影响。为了控制疾病的传播,定期使用口罩成为了家常便饭。很大一部分人口在戴口罩期间报告了眼部症状,但仍被低估。因此,眼睛不仅广泛暴露于潜在的病毒入侵,而且还受到额外刺激因素的影响,即使用面罩。我们的试点研究结果表明,眼部不适的存在和严重程度取决于面罩的类型和使用时间。现在,在 COVID-19 爆发中,为了促进个人眼睛健康,比以往任何时候都更需要保护前眼表。基于泪膜保护作用的概念,特别是其脂质层对抗 SARS-CoV-2 入侵,所有维持泪膜平衡和脂质层厚度的物质都有助于确保局部防御机制。一些批准用于治疗干眼症的药物可能对病毒入侵具有防御作用,应另外评估。环孢素 A、氯喹、阿奇霉素、聚维酮碘、高渗盐水滴眼液的局部眼科应用可能有助于局部保护并确保在最小全身作用下获得高局部剂量。其脂质层对抗 SARS-CoV-2 入侵,所有维持泪膜平衡和脂质层厚度的物质都可能有利于确保局部防御机制。一些批准用于治疗干眼症的药物可能对病毒入侵具有防御作用,应另外评估。环孢素 A、氯喹、阿奇霉素、聚维酮碘、高渗盐水滴眼液的局部眼科应用可能有助于局部保护并确保在最小全身作用下获得高局部剂量。其脂质层对抗 SARS-CoV-2 入侵,所有维持泪膜平衡和脂质层厚度的物质都可能有利于确保局部防御机制。一些批准用于治疗干眼症的药物可能对病毒入侵具有防御作用,应另外评估。环孢素 A、氯喹、阿奇霉素、聚维酮碘、高渗盐水滴眼液的局部眼科应用可能有助于局部保护并确保在最小全身作用下获得高局部剂量。应该另外评估。环孢素 A、氯喹、阿奇霉素、聚维酮碘、高渗盐水滴眼液的局部眼科应用可能有助于局部保护并确保在最小全身作用下获得高局部剂量。应该另外评估。环孢素 A、氯喹、阿奇霉素、聚维酮碘、高渗盐水滴眼液的局部眼科应用可能有助于局部保护并确保在最小全身作用下获得高局部剂量。