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Quebracho tannins aid in the control of Eimeria spp. and gastrointestinal nematodes in lambs and goat kids
Veterinary Parasitology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.vetpar.2020.109295
Mohan Acharya 1 , Joan M Burke 2 , James E Miller 3 , Thomas H Terrill 4 , Erin L Wood 2 , James P Muir 5

The objective was to examine the effects of supplementary quebracho on control of coccidiosis and gastrointestinal nematodes in lambs and kids. In Exp. 1, naturally infected lambs weaned (87.8 ± 0.4 days of age; day 0) in January (winter) were blocked by sex and randomly assigned (n = 10/treatment) to receive supplement with or without 100 g/lamb of quebracho for 28 days. In Exp. 2, single or twin rearing ewes were randomly assigned into two groups, and naturally infected lambs were fed control (n = 28) or quebracho (100 g/lamb of quebracho tannins in feed; n = 27) between -28 and 21 days (weaning = day 0; 70.8 ± 0.1 days of age). In Exp. 3, weaned doe kids (57.6 ± 2.0 days of age) were randomly assigned to receive alfalfa (Medicago sativa) supplement with (n = 9) or without (n = 8) 50 g/kid quebracho or sericea lespedeza (Lespedeza cuneata) with quebracho (n = 8) for 21 days. Fecal oocyst count (FOC), nematode egg counts (FEC), fecal score, dag score (soiling around rear quarters), and blood packed cell volume (PCV) were determined every 7 days. Data were analyzed as repeated measures using mixed models. In Exp. 1, FOC decreased in quebracho-fed lambs (diet × time, P < 0.001) but FEC was similar between treatments during the feeding period (P = 0.19). Packed cell volume (P = 0.19) and fecal score (P = 0.42) were similar between groups. Quebracho-fed lambs had a greater dag score initially (diet × time, P = 0.02), but were similar by day 42 (P = 0.72). In Exp. 2, FOC remained low (P = 0.02), PCV tended to decrease (P = 0.06), but FEC increased on days 14 and 21 (diet × time; P < 0.001) in quebracho compared with control-fed lambs. Quebracho-fed lambs had lower fecal score (diet × time; P = 0.005) but higher dag score (diet × time; P < 0.001). In Exp. 3, FOC of kids fed quebracho (alfalfa or sericea lespedeza supplement) was lower than control (P < 0.001). Fecal score of kids fed sericea lespedeza compared with alfalfa were lower regardless of quebracho (P = 0.01). There were no differences among treatments for dag, FEC, PCV, or body weight (P> 0.10). Quebracho was effective in reducing FOC but not clinical signs of coccidiosis in both lambs and kids, and may not be highly digestible in lambs as it caused loose stools.



目的是研究补充quequecho对控制羔羊和儿童球虫病和胃肠道线虫的作用。在实验中 如图1所示,按性别阻止一月(冬季)断奶的自然感染羔羊(87.8±0.4天; 0天),并按性别随机分配(n = 10 /次治疗),以补充或不服用100克/羊羔去骨28种天。在实验中 如图2所示,将单头或双头母羊随机分为两组,并在-28到21天之间,将自然感染的羔羊饲喂对照(n = 28)或quebracho(100 g /羔羊quebracho单宁饲料);n = 27)。断奶=第0天; 70.8±0.1天)。在实验中 3,将断奶的母鹿孩子(57.6±2.0天龄)随机分配到苜蓿(苜蓿))补充(n = 9)或不加入(n = 8)50 g / kid quebracho或sericea lespedeza(Lespedeza cuneata)与quebracho(n = 8),共21天。每7天测定一次粪便的卵囊计数(FOC),线虫卵数(FEC),粪便评分,dag评分(后四分之一处的污垢)和血液包装细胞体积(PCV)。使用混合模型将数据作为重复测量进行分析。在实验中 从图1可以看出,去斑豚喂养的羔羊的FOC降低(饮食×时间,P <0.001),但是在饲喂期间,不同处理之间的FEC相似(P = 0.19)。填充细胞体积(P = 0.19)和粪便评分(P =组之间的差异为0.42)。丘布拉乔喂养的羔羊最初的dag得分较高(饮食×时间,P = 0.02),但到第42天相似(P = 0.72)。在实验中 如图2所示,与对照组饲喂的羔羊相比,斑马鱼的第14天和第21天FOC保持较低水平(P = 0.02),PCV趋于降低(P = 0.06),但FEC在第14天和第21天升高(饮食×时间;P < 0.001)。Quebracho喂养的羔羊粪便得分较低(饮食×时间;P = 0.005),但dag分数较高(饮食×时间;P < 0.001)。在实验中 3,喂quebracho(苜蓿或苦苣苔的补充)的孩子的FOC低于对照组(P <0.001)。与苜蓿相比,喂饱了绢毛蝶的孩子的粪便得分较低,而与斑马雀草无关(P = 0.01)。dag,FEC,PCV或体重的治疗之间无差异(P> 0.10)。Quebracho可有效降低FOC,但对小羊和儿童均无球虫病的临床征兆,并且可能导致大便稀疏,因此在小羊中可能不易消化。
