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Palaeoenvironmental changes and vegetation of the Transylvanian Basin in the early stages of Lake Pannon (late Miocene, Tortonian)
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2020.104340
Viktória Baranyi , Koraljka Bakrač , Krešimir Krizmanić , Dániel Botka , Emőke Tóth , Imre Magyar

Abstract New palynological data from the deep-water Gusterita section in the Transylvanian Basin depicts the late Miocene evolution of Lake Pannon between 11.0 and 10.5 Ma. Spores and pollen were used to analyse vegetation and climate while dinoflagellate cysts were used to reconstruct lake ecology. The section hosts primarily endemic brackish-water dinoflagellate cysts related to those in the Ponto-Caspian realm. The lake was fringed by swamps of taxodioid gymnosperms and riparian forests. The proximity of the Carpathians and Apuseni Mts. allowed the presence of montane vegetation with Picea and Abies. The azonal vegetation narrowed down the extent of the zonal mesophytic forests. Plants were growing under warm-temperate, humid climate with mean annual temperature of 13.3–21.3 °C and mean annual precipitation of 705–1613 mm. The decline of the thermophilous Taxodioideae is linked to the uplift of the mountains and volcanism, but the expansion of Lake Pannon contributed to the swamp-retreat too. The lake expansion was stepwise with the alternation of minor floodings and stabilisation of the lake-level. This pattern is inferred from the oscillation of “Virgodinium”-dominated dinoflagellate cyst assemblages characteristic of transgressive periods and assemblages with Spiniferites indicating the slowing-down of the flooding and higher nutrient input from rivers. Active sediment transport into the deep basin via turbidity currents is inferred by the large amount of plant debris in the sedimentary organic matter. The introduction of new dinoflagellate cyst morphotypes with more pronounced ornamentation and thicker wall is possibly a phenotypic response of the dinoflagellates to increasing freshwater influence.



摘要 来自特兰西瓦尼亚盆地深水 Gusterita 剖面的新孢粉学数据描述了 Pannon 湖在 11.0 至 10.5 Ma 之间的晚中新世演化。孢子和花粉用于分析植被和气候,而甲藻孢囊用于重建湖泊生态。该部分主要承载与 Ponto-Caspian 领域中的那些有关的地方性咸水甲藻包囊。湖泊四周环绕着紫杉类裸子植物沼泽和河岸森林。靠近喀尔巴阡山脉和阿普塞尼山。允许山地植被与云杉和冷杉的存在。非带状植被缩小了带状中生林的范围。植物生长在暖温带湿润气候下,年平均气温13.3-21.3 °C,年平均降水量705-1613 mm。嗜热紫杉科的衰退与山脉的隆起和火山活动有关,但潘农湖的扩张也促成了沼泽的退缩。湖泊的扩张是逐步的,小洪水交替出现,湖面稳定。这种模式是从“Virgodinium”主导的甲藻囊肿组合的振荡推断出来的,这些组合具有海进期的特征,以及与刺生鱼的组合表明洪水速度减慢和河流养分输入增加。沉积有机质中含有大量植物残骸,可以推断沉积物通过浊流活跃地输送到深盆中。