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Geological subdivision of the Lützow–Holm Complex in East Antarctica: From the Neoarchean to the Neoproterozoic
Polar Science ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-31 , DOI: 10.1016/j.polar.2020.100606
Daniel J. Dunkley , Tomokazu Hokada , Kazuyuki Shiraishi , Yoshikuni Hiroi , Yoshifumi Nogi , Yoichi Motoyoshi

We summarize U–Pb age data for the Lützow–Holm Complex (LHC) in East Antarctica and propose the following geological subdivisions based on protolith ages, along the coast of Dronning Maud Land from southwest to northeast: the Innhovde Suite (INH, 1070–1040 Ma) composed mainly of felsic orthogneiss; the Rundvågshetta Suite (RVG, 2520–2470 Ma), mostly felsic orthogneiss with minor mafic and metasedimentary gneisses; the Skallevikshalsen Suite (SKV, 1830–1790 Ma), felsic to mafic orthogneiss with abundant dolomitic marbles, calc-silicates and other metasediments; the Langhovde Suite (LHV, 1100–1050 Ma), mostly felsic orthogneiss with minor mafic and calc-silicate gneisses; the East Ongul Suite (EOG, 630 Ma), with various orthogneisses and metasediments; and the Akarui Suite (AKR, 970–800 Ma) with diverse orthogneisses and paragneisses. The oldest crustal components of the LHC lie in the southern part of Lützow–Holm Bay, and consist of late Neoarchean and Paleoproterozoic protoliths to charnockites and enderbites that dominate the Rundvågshetta and Skallevikshalsen Suites. This older domain is surrounded by gneisses and granulites with late Mesoproterozoic to early Neoproterozoic protolith ages, including the Innhovde Suite and the Langhovde Suite. The Akarui Suite contains diverse orthogneisses with Neoproterozoic protoloiths, and the youngest unit is the East Ongul Suite with protolith ages of ~630 Ma. Cape Hinode, located geographically within the Akarui Suite, underwent high-grade metamorphism at ~960 Ma that is much older than that which produced the gneisses and granulites of the surrounding LHC (~600–520 Ma). Cape Hinode is therefore exotic, independent of the surrounding LHC, and defined as the “Hinode Block”. The boundaries proposed in this paper are largely consistent with those inferred from magnetic anomalies, gravity anomalies, and bedrock topographical data.



我们总结了南极东部Lützow-Holm复杂区(LHC)的U–Pb年龄数据,并根据从西南到东北的Dronning Maud土地沿岸的原石年龄,提出了以下地质细分:Innhovde Suite(INH,1070– 1040 Ma),主要由长直生的片麻组成;RundvågshettaSuite(RVG,2520–2470 Ma),大部分为长统长片麻岩,伴有轻微的基性和沉积沉积的片麻岩。Skallevikshalsen套房(SKV,1830-1790 Ma),由淡质到镁铁质正片麻岩,带有大量的白云石化大理石,钙硅酸盐和其他变质沉积物;Langhovde Suite(LHV,1100–1050 Ma),多数为长统长片麻岩,少量为黑镁质和钙硅酸盐片麻岩。East Ongul套房(EOG,630 Ma),带有各种正长片麻岩和变质沉积物;还有Akarui套房(AKR,970–800 Ma),带有多种正长片麻石和木棍。大型强子对撞机最古老的地壳部分位于吕茨霍姆湾的南部,由新元古代和古元古代的原始岩体组成,在Rundvågshetta和Skallevikshalsen套房中占据主导地位的是方铅矿和顽固石。这个较老的区域被片麻岩和花岗石包围,中元古代至新元古代早期的原始石器时代,包括Innhovde Suite和Langhovde Suite。Akarui套件包含各种带有新元古代原生动物的原片麻岩,而最小的单位是East Ongul套件,原生石年龄约为630 Ma。位于阿卡鲁伊套房内的伊诺德角(Cape Hinode)在约960 Ma处经历了高级变质作用,该变质作用远比周围LHC(约600–520 Ma)产生的片麻岩和花岗石的变质作用大。因此,伊诺德角(Cape Hinode)具有异国情调,独立于周围的大型强子对撞机,并被定义为“ Hinode Block”。本文提出的边界与从磁异常,重力异常和基岩地形数据推断出的边界基本一致。
