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Super-Penrose process for extremal rotating neutral white holes
General Relativity and Gravitation ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s10714-020-02761-4
O. B. Zaslavskii

We consider collision of two particles 1 and 2 near the horizon of the extremal rotating axially symmetric neutral generic black hole producing particles 3 and 4. We discuss the scenario in which both particles 3 and 4 fall into a black hole and move in a white hole region. If particle 1 is fine-tuned, the energy $E_{c.m.}$ in the centre of mass grows unbounded (the Banados-Silk-West effect). Then, particle 3 can, in principle, reach a flat infinity in another universe. If not only $E_{c.m.}$ but also the corresponding Killing energy $E$ is unbounded, this gives a so-called super-Penrose process (SPP). We show that the SPP\ is indeed possible. Thus white holes turn out to be potential sources of high energy fluxes that transfers from one universe to another. This generalizes recent observaitons made by Patil and Harada for the Kerr metric. We analyze two different regimes of the process on different scales.



我们考虑两个粒子 1 和 2 在极值旋转轴对称中性一般黑洞的视界附近碰撞,产生粒子 3 和 4。我们讨论粒子 3 和 4 落入黑洞并在白洞中移动的场景地区。如果对粒子 1 进行微调,则质心处的能量 $E_{cm}$ 将无限增长(Banados-Silk-West 效应)。然后,粒子 3 原则上可以在另一个宇宙中达到平坦的无穷大。如果不仅 $E_{cm}$ 而且相应的杀伤能 $E$ 都是无界的,这给出了所谓的超级彭罗斯过程(SPP)。我们表明 SPP\ 确实是可能的。因此,白洞被证明是从一个宇宙转移到另一个宇宙的高能量通量的潜在来源。这概括了 Patil 和 Harada 最近对 Kerr 度量所做的观察。