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Zehneria grandibracteata (Cucurbitaceae), an overlooked new species from western Kenyan forests
PhytoKeys ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-28 , DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.165.57399
Neng Wei , Zhi-Xiang Zhong , David Kimutai Melly , Solomon Kipkoech , Benjamin Muema Watuma , Veronicah Mutele Ngumbau , Peris Kamau , Guang-Wan Hu , Qing-Feng Wang

Zehneria grandibracteata, a new species of Cucurbitaceae from western Kenya, is described here, based on morphological and molecular data. It has long been misidentified as the widely-distributed species Z. scabra. However, it differs by its ovate leafy probract at the base of the inflorescences, subglabrous condition of the entire plant, shorter receptacle-tube and filaments, as well as denser and sessile inflorescences. Furthermore, the molecular phylogenetic analysis of Zehneria, based on nrITS sequences, further supports the argument that Z. grandibracteata should be segregated from Z. scabra.


Zehneria grandibracteata(葫芦科),一种来自肯尼亚西部森林的被忽视的新物种

根据形态和分子数据,这里描述了来自肯尼亚西部的葫芦科的新种Zehneria grandibracteata。长期以来,它一直被误认为是分布广泛的物种Z. scabra。然而,它的不同之处在于其在花序基部的卵形叶状前缘,整个植物的无毛状态,较短的容器管和花丝,以及较密和无梗的花序。此外,基于nrITS序列的Zehneria的分子系统发育分析进一步支持了认为应将Z. grandibracteata与Z. scabra分开的观点。