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Depression and experience of incarceration in North Central Nigeria: a situation analysis at Makurdi medium security prison
International Journal of Mental Health Systems ( IF 3.463 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-27 , DOI: 10.1186/s13033-020-00408-0
Emeka Nwefoh 1 , Chinyere M Aguocha 2 , Grace Ryan 3 , Philip Ode 1 , Festus O Ighagbon 4 , Oyedele Akinjola 5 , Samuel Omoi 1 , Jibril Abdulmalik 6 , Terkura M Agbir 5 , Obekpa Obekpa 7 , Samuel Ogbole 8 , Julian Eaton 9

Human rights watchdogs have described conditions in Nigerian correctional facilities and detention centers as damaging to the physical and mental health of inmates. While the prevalence of mental disorders is high, access to appropriate healthcare is grossly inadequate. Understanding the current state of prison inmates’ mental health and well-being is an essential first step to addressing this important issue. This study aims to document the mental health and experiences of incarceration of inmates of the largest medium security prison in Nigeria’s Benue State. A cross-sectional survey and descriptive analysis was carried out with a random sample of 381 prison inmates of Benue State Makurdi Medium Security Prison. Survey tools included: (1) a structured questionnaire on participants’ experiences in prison, and (2) the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), a screening tool for depression. Most participants were young men (95.5%, mean age 27.95) and had completed secondary school (63.5%). While prison authorities had identified only 27 participants as having a mental disorder, 144 (37.8%) screened positive for depression. Twenty six had received professional counseling while in prison. Of the six participants who were already taking a psychotropic medication at the time of imprisonment, four received medication after being imprisoned. Approximately half, (52%) of participants were dissatisfied with prison health care. Despite the high prevalence of depression among prison inmates, few cases are detected and treated. Prison staff may not recognize depression as a mental disorder, and the mental health care available is generally poor. Inadequate mental health and social care not only affects prison inmates’ well-being, but may also impact recidivism and health outcomes upon release. Prison inmates should be screened routinely for depression and other less-commonly recognized mental health conditions, and appropriate treatment made available.



人权监督机构将尼日利亚惩教设施和拘留中心的条件描述为损害囚犯的身心健康。虽然精神障碍的患病率很高,但获得适当医疗保健的机会严重不足。了解监狱囚犯的心理健康和福祉的现状是解决这一重要问题的重要第一步。本研究旨在记录尼日利亚贝努埃州最大的中等安全监狱囚犯的心理健康和监禁经历。对贝努埃州马库尔迪中等安全监狱的 381 名囚犯进行了随机抽样调查和描述性分析。调查工具包括:(1)关于参与者在监狱经历的结构化问卷,(2) 患者健康问卷 (PHQ-9),一种抑郁症筛查工具。大多数参与者是年轻男性(95.5%,平均年龄 27.95 岁)并完成了中学教育(63.5%)。虽然监狱当局仅确定 27 名参与者患有精神障碍,但 144 人(37.8%)的抑郁症筛查呈阳性。二十六人在狱中接受过专业咨询。在入狱时已经服用精神药物的六名参与者中,有四人在入狱后接受了药物治疗。大约一半(52%)的参与者对监狱医疗保健不满意。尽管监狱囚犯的抑郁症患病率很高,但很少有病例被发现和治疗。监狱工作人员可能不承认抑郁症是一种精神疾病,而且可用的精神卫生保健通常很差。心理健康和社会关怀不足不仅影响监狱囚犯的福祉,还可能影响出狱后的累犯和健康结果。监狱囚犯应定期接受抑郁症和其他不太常见的心理健康状况筛查,并提供适当的治疗。