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Monotonic laterally loaded pile testing in a stiff glacial clay till at Cowden
Géotechnique ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-21 , DOI: 10.1680/jgeot.18.pisa.003
Byron W. Byrne 1 , Ross A. McAdam 1 , Harvey J. Burd 1 , William J. A. P. Beuckelaers 2 , Kenneth G. Gavin 3 , Guy T. Houlsby 1 , David J. P. Igoe 4 , Richard J. Jardine 5 , Christopher M. Martin 1 , Alastair Muir Wood 6 , David M. Potts 5 , Jesper Skov Gretlund 7 , David M. G. Taborda 5 , Lidija Zdravković 5

This paper describes the results obtained from a field testing campaign on laterally loaded monopiles conducted at Cowden, UK, where the soil consists principally of a heavily overconsolidated glacial till. These tests formed part of the PISA project on the development of improved design methods for monopile foundations for offshore wind turbines. Results obtained for monotonic loading tests on piles of three different diameters (0·273 m, 0·762 m and 2·0 m) are presented. The piles had length-to-diameter ratios (L/D) of between 3 and 10. The tests included the application of monotonic loading incorporating periods of constant load to investigate creep effects, and investigations on the influence of loading rate. Data are presented on measured bending moments and inclinations induced in the piles. Inferred data on lateral displacements of the embedded section of the piles are determined using an optimised structural model. These field data support the development of a new one-dimensional modelling approach for the design of monopile foundations for offshore wind turbines. They also form a unique database of field measurements in an overconsolidated clay, from lateral loading of piles at a vertical distance above the ground surface.



本文描述了在英国Cowden进行的横向加载单桩现场测试活动中获得的结果,该地区的土壤主要由严重超固结的冰川耕地组成。这些测试是PISA项目的一部分,该项目旨在开发用于海上风力涡轮机的单桩基础的改进设计方法。给出了在三种不同直径(0·273 m,0·762 m和2·0 m)的桩上进行单调加载测试的结果。桩的长径比(L / D)在3到10之间。测试包括应用单调载荷并结合恒定载荷周期来研究蠕变效应,以及研究载荷率的影响。数据显示了桩中测得的弯矩和倾角。使用优化的结构模型确定有关桩的嵌入部分的横向位移的推断数据。这些现场数据支持开发一种新的一维建模方法,用于设计海上风力发电机的单桩基础。它们还形成了一个独特的超固结粘土现场测量数据库,其作用是从地面上方垂直距离的桩侧向荷载。