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Spatiotemporal distributions and ecological risk assessment of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in groundwater in North China
Hydrology Research ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-20 , DOI: 10.2166/nh.2020.001
Jin Wu 1, 2 , Jingchao Liu 1, 2 , Zenghui Pan 1 , Boxin Wang 1 , Dasheng Zhang 1

The contamination of surface water by pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) has attracted widespread attention, but data regarding their impacts on groundwater (GW) are sparse. In river–GW interaction areas, rivers are likely an important source of PPCPs in aquifers, especially rivers impacted by sewage treatment plant effluent. Understanding the characterization, transport, and risk is valuable for the effective protection of vital aquatic ecosystem services, environmental health, and drinking water supplies. To attain this objective, statistics with spatial analysis and ecological risk were used to assess the effects of artificial recharge (AR) engineering on 16 PPCPs in aquifers in North China. The results indicated that 15 PPCPs were detected in unconfined and confined aquifers, with a few PPCPs being detected up to 1,000 ng/L. The most frequently detected PPCPs were sulfisoxazole, sulfachloropyridazine, sulfamerazine, sulfamethazine, sulfamethoxazole, and ibuprofen. In addition, the spatial and seasonal variations in most PPCPs were significant. Furthermore, the maximum concentrations were compared to the predicted no-effect concentrations to evaluate the ecological risk, and four PPCPs were found to be of medium or high ecological risk. This study highlights that AR engineering has a significant ecological effect on GW. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licence (CC BY 4.0), which permits copying, adaptation and redistribution, provided the original work is properly cited (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). doi: 10.2166/nh.2020.001 ://iwaponline.com/hr/article-pdf/doi/10.2166/nh.2020.001/683537/nh2020001.pdf Jin Wu Jingchao Liu Zenghui Pan Boxin Wang Dasheng Zhang (corresponding author) Hebei Institute of Water Science, Shijiazhuang 050051, China E-mail: skyzhangdasheng@126.com Jin Wu Jingchao Liu College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China



药物和个人护理产品 (PPCP) 对地表水的污染引起了广泛关注,但有关其对地下水 (GW) 影响的数据很少。在河流-GW 相互作用区,河流可能是含水层中 PPCP 的重要来源,尤其是受污水处理厂流出物影响的河流。了解特征、运输和风险对于有效保护重要的水生生态系统服务、环境健康和饮用水供应很有价值。为了实现这一目标,使用空间分析和生态风险的统计数据来评估人工补给(AR)工程对华北含水层中 16 种 PPCP 的影响。结果表明,在非承压和承压含水层中检测到 15 种 PPCPs,少数 PPCPs 检测到 1,000 ng/L。最常检测到的 PPCP 是磺胺异恶唑、磺胺氯哒嗪、磺胺二甲嘧啶、磺胺二甲嘧啶、磺胺甲恶唑和布洛芬。此外,大多数 PPCP 的空间和季节变化是显着的。此外,将最大浓度与预测的无影响浓度进行比较以评估生态风险,发现四种 PPCP 具有中或高生态风险。本研究强调 AR 工程对 GW 具有显着的生态效应。这是一篇根据知识共享署名许可 (CC BY 4.0) 条款分发的开放获取文章,该许可允许复制、改编和重新分发,前提是正确引用原始作品 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ 4.0/)。doi:10.2166/nh.2020.001 ://iwaponline.com/hr/article-pdf/doi/10.2166/nh.2020。