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Introducing theodolites for mapping in Norway
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift-Norwegian Journal of Geography ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-28 , DOI: 10.1080/00291951.2020.1825523
Bjørn Ragnvald Pettersen 1


Christopher Hansteen, professor of applied mathematics at the University of Oslo, was appointed as a part-time director of geodesy at the Geographical Survey of Norway in 1817. He quickly realized that previous measurements of angles using geographical circles did not produce data of required quality for geodetic surveying. Using archival sources, the article describes how Hansteen acquired a theodolite from Germany and applied it to demonstrate to the National Assembly (Storting) that investment in new instruments for the Survey was required. With funds granted in 1824, he ordered theodolites, sextants and chronometers from German instrument makers. He conducted a field operation in 1827 in preparation for a first-time survey and mapping of the entire coast of Northern Norway. The article draws on observation logbooks to reconstruct the triangle arc established with the new theodolites between 1828 and 1842. The triangulation stations served as reference points for plane table mapping. Map orientation and geodetic coordinates were controlled by astronomical observations of latitude and chronometer determinations of longitude at two temporary observatories and through selected field observations. The resulting ten maps were the first production released to the public by the Geographical Survey of Norway.




奥斯陆大学应用数学教授克里斯托弗·汉斯汀(Christopher Hansteen)于1817年被任命为挪威地理测量局大地测量学的兼职主任。他很快意识到,以前使用地理圆进行的角度测量无法产生所需质量的数据用于大地测量。本文利用档案资料描述了汉斯汀如何从德国获得经纬仪,并将其应用于向国民议会(储藏室)证明需要对调查的新仪器进行投资。在1824年获得拨款后,他从德国乐器制造商订购了经纬仪,六分仪和天文钟。他于1827年进行了一次野外作业,以准备对挪威北部整个海岸进行首次调查和测绘。本文借鉴了观测日志,以重建1828年至1842年之间由新经纬仪建立的三角弧。三角测量站用作平面表映射的参考点。地图的方向和大地坐标是通过在两个临时观测站进行的天文学经纬度观测和经度计确定的,并通过选定的野外观测来控制的。由此产生的十张地图是挪威地理调查局向公众发布的第一批​​产品。地图的方向和大地坐标是通过在两个临时观测站进行的天文学经纬度观测和经度计确定的,并通过选定的野外观测来控制的。由此产生的十张地图是挪威地理调查局向公众发布的第一批​​产品。地图的方向和大地坐标是通过在两个临时观测站进行的天文学经纬度观测和经度计确定的,并通过选定的野外观测来控制的。由此产生的十张地图是挪威地理调查局向公众发布的第一批​​产品。
