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Nest‐Box Use by Wood Ducks and Black‐Bellied Whistling Ducks in Coastal South Carolina
Wildlife Society Bulletin ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-30 , DOI: 10.1002/wsb.1135
Gillie D. Croft 1 , Richard M. Kaminski 2 , Ernie P. Wiggers 3 , Patrick D. Gerard 4 , Greg K. Yarrow 5

We surveyed nest‐structure use by sympatric nesting wood ducks (Aix sponsa) and black‐bellied whistling ducks (Dendrocygna autumnalis) across coastal South Carolina, USA, in 2016–2017. Of 718 nest boxes surveyed cumulatively in 2016 and 2017, 61% were used by wood ducks and 15% by black‐bellied whistling ducks. Lower nest‐box use by whistling ducks was related to recent arrivals and breeding by the species in South Carolina. Nest‐box use by wood ducks was 6% greater for every 1,000‐cm3 decrease from the mean internal box volume of all boxes monitored, whereas use by black‐bellied whistling ducks was 20% greater for every 1,000‐cm3 increase from the mean internal volume of all boxes. Box use was 15% and 11% greater by wood ducks and black‐bellied whistling ducks, respectively, for every 10% decrease from the mean percent canopy cover of all nest boxes. Nest‐box use by black‐bellied whistling ducks was 18% and 10% greater for every 10‐cm increase from the mean distance from the base of a box's entrance vertically to the ground or water and every 10‐m decrease from the mean distance to the nearest box for all boxes monitored, respectively. Our results suggested nest boxes with internal volumes of ~15,000–31,000 cm3 were most used by wood ducks, but the conventional nest box with an internal volume of 34,375 cm3 and internal dimensions of 25 × 25 × 55 cm accommodated wood ducks and black‐bellied whistling ducks, and can be deployed where the species are sympatric. However, where black‐bellied whistling ducks occur, the diameter of an entrance hole for nest boxes should be 13 cm to allow passage by the larger bodied species. We suggest a need for research to estimate recruitment rates for box‐nesting females and cost effectiveness of box programs based on female recruitment. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.



我们调查了2016-2017年美国南卡罗来纳州沿海地区的同伴筑巢木鸭(Aix sponsa)和黑腹吹哨鸭(Dendrocygna autumnalis)对巢结构的使用情况。在2016年和2017年累计调查的718个巢箱中,木鸭使用了61%,黑腹哨子鸭使用了15%。吹哨鸭使用较低的巢箱与南卡罗来纳州物种的近期到来和繁殖有关。由木材鸭巢盒的用途是为每1,000厘米6%以上3从平均内部盒体积的所有框降低来监测,而由黑腹呼啸鸭用途是每1,000厘米大20%3从所有盒子的平均内部体积增加。相比于所有巢箱的平均冠层覆盖率每降低10%,木鸭和黑腹哨子鸭的箱体使用分别增加15%和11%。黑腹哨子鸭巢箱的使用距离从盒子入口的底部到地面或水的垂直距离的平均距离每增加10厘米,则分别增加18%和10%,从平均距离的每减少10米分别到所有受监视盒子的最近盒子。我们的研究结果表明巢箱用〜的内部容积15,000-31,000厘米3是最常用的木鸭,但随着34375厘米内部容积传统的巢箱3内部尺寸为25×25×55 cm,可容纳木鸭和黑腹吹哨鸭,并且可以部署在同居的地方。但是,如果出现黑腹吹口哨的鸭子,则巢箱的入口孔直径应为13 cm,以允许较大的有色种通过。我们建议需要进行研究,以估计女性打窝的女性的招聘率以及基于女性招聘的女性打折方案的成本效益。©2020野生动物协会。