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Report of the Nomenclature Committee for Algae: 22
TAXON ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-29 , DOI: 10.1002/tax.12345
Robert A. Andersen 1

The name Amphidoma (Dinophyceae) is not recommended for conservation as being of feminine gender and with a conserved type because the feminine gender is already established, and because there is no known evidence to show that the existing type (A. acuminata) is not congenric with A. nucula, the type proposed for conservation. The name Heterocapsa (Dinophyceae) is recommended for conservation with a conserved type. Two requests for binding decisions were considered, Cosmarium geminatum and C. gemmatum (Streptophyta), and Trigonium (Bacillariophyta) and Trigonum (Streptophyta). The NCA did not consider the names concerned sufficiently similar to be confused and recommended that they not be treated as homonyms.



不建议将两栖动物Dinophyceae)命名为女性性别,并且将其命名为保守类型,因为已经建立了女性性别,并且因为没有已知证据表明现有类型(A. acuminata)不是通用的与拟南芥A. nucula)一起提议保护的类型。建议将名称异头花saDinophyceae)用于保守类型的保护。考虑了两项具有约束力的决定请求,s CoC。Streptophyta),go((Bacillariophyta)和gon霉菌属)。NCA认为相关名称没有足够相似以至于混淆,因此建议不要将其视为同音异义词。