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(2771) Proposal to conserve Dendrobium ×gracillimum against D. ×nitidum (Orchidaceae)
TAXON ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-29 , DOI: 10.1002/tax.12336
Matthew A.M. Renner 1

(2771) Dendrobium ×gracillimum (Rupp) Leaney in Orchidol. Zeylanica 1: 73. 1934 (D. speciosum var. gracillimum Rupp in Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales 54: 550. 16 Dec 1929) [Angiosp.: Orchid.], nom. cons. prop.

Typus: New South Wales, North Coast, Paterson, Sep 1929, Rupp 474a (NSW No. 87429).

(=) Dendrobium ×nitidum (F.M. Bailey) J. Colman in Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 69: 107. 26 Feb 1921 (D. speciosum var. nitidum F.M. Bailey in Brisbane Courier 38(8000): 7. 1 Sep 1883), nom. rej. prop.

Neotypus (vide Clements in Austral. Orchid Res. 1: 53. 1989): cult. Bowen Park, Brisbane, 14 Sep 1894, Bailey (BRI).

In eastern Australia there is a sporadic, naturally occurring hybrid between D. speciosum J. Sm. and D. gracilicaule F. Muell. known by the name D. ×gracillimum (Rupp) Leaney (in Orchidol. Zeylanica 1: 73. 1934, pro sp.). This hybrid was originally described as D. speciosum var. gracillimum Rupp (in Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales 54: 550. 1929), based on plants from the “Valleys of the Patterson, Williams, and Clarence Rivers” and also “from other localities unspecified”. A hybrid origin for Dendrobium speciosum var. gracillimum was postulated by Leaney (l.c.), who recognized the taxon at species rank and provided the necessary combination. Rupp (Orchids New South Wales: 114. 1944) lectotypified Dendrobium speciosum var. gracillimum when he indicated an “ideotype”, a “specimen identified by the author as typical of his species; used when no types were designated in the original description” (Rupp, l.c. 1944: 147). Rupp's lectotype is derived from a living plant supplied by Mrs J.D. Tucker of Paterson, part of which he sent for study to Dr Richard S. Rogers (1861–1942), a private medical practitioner in Adelaide, who was an authority on Australasian orchids; both Rupp and Rogers had Mrs Tucker's plant flowering simultaneously in October 1928 (Rupp, l.c. 1929: 550). Rupp preserved a piece of Mrs Tucker's plant in September 1929, before his paper was read to the New South Wales Linnean Society on 30 October 1929, which is therefore part of the cited original material.

Dendrobium speciosum var. nitidum F.M. Bailey (in Brisbane Courier 38(8000): 7. 1883) was described from a flowering plant grown at Bowen Park, Brisbane, Queensland, but originating from Cairns; evidently no original material was preserved (Bailey in Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland 1: 10. 1884). Bailey (Queensland Fl. 5: 1526. 1902) provided a description and gave the habitat as “Tropical Queensland”, but the absence of a type specimen led to doubt about the name's application. Dendrobium speciosum var. nitidum was considered a distinct taxon by Rupp (in Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales 58: 223–228. 1933), an implied synonym of D. gracillimum by Rupp & Hunt (in Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales 72: 243. 1947) and a synonym of D. ×delicatum by Stanley & Ross (Fl. S.E. Queensland 3: 436. 1989). A neotype, representing a cultivated plant derived from Bowen Park and preserved in 1894, was designated by Clements (in Austral. Orchid Res. 1: 53. 1989), and the taxon was treated as a nothospecies with the intended new combination “D. ×nitidum (F.M. Bailey) M.A. Clem. & D.L. Jones”. One of the parents of D. ×nitidum is thought to be a northern variety of D. speciosum (D. speciosum var. pedunculatum Clemesha [in Orchadian 6: 261. 1981]), which has been recognized as a separate species (Clements, l.c.). Separate species status for D. speciosum var. pedunculatum has not generally been accepted, with most workers treating D. speciosum as a single variable species, including Dockrill (Austral. Indig. Orchids 1: 504. 1992), who accordingly treated D. ×nitidum as a synonym of D. ×gracillimum. Current consensus is that infraspecific taxa within D. speciosum represent subspecies and varieties (Bourke & al. in Austral. Syst. Bot. 21: 1–14. 2006; Simpson & al. in Molec. Phylogen. Evol. 118: 32–46. 2018); therefore, the names D. ×gracillimum and D. ×nitidum apply to the same naturally occurring interspecific hybrid, D. speciosum × D. gracilicaule.

Ormerod (in Orchadian 19: 512. 2020) pointed out that an earlier and previously neglected combination at species rank for D. speciosum var. nitidum had been validly published in 1921, when the award of a cultural certificate to “Mr. Collier, gardener to Sir Jeremiah Colman, Bart., Gatton Park” for a plant of “Dendrobium nitidum (speciosum nitidum)” was reported (in Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 69: 107. 1921). The short citation of the plant's identity provided both the combination and an unambiguous reference to the basionym and so fulfilled, perhaps inadvertently, the requirements for valid publication of the combination D. nitidum. Indeed, a previous exhibit by Collier of this dendrobium, said to have been imported by Colman, had been discussed and illustrated (Anonymous in Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 65: 155. 1919) explicitly under the name D. speciosum var. nitidum. Authorship of the combination, D. nitidum (F.M. Bailey) J. Colman, can best be attributed to Sir Jeremiah Colman, Bart. (1859–1942), a business man and enthusiastic orchid grower, to whose collection the named plant belonged. Although the name is not ascribed to anyone (second sentence, Art. 46.2 of the ICN, Turland & al. in Regnum Veg. 159. 2017), the fact that the plant exhibited was owned by Colman and had previously been exhibited under its varietal name suggests that the combination should be attributed to him. That D. nitidum was published 13 years before Leaney's combination for D. gracillimum at species rank has been understandably overlooked for 99 years, during which time D. ×gracillimum has become firmly entrenched as the name for this sporadic natural hybrid.

The name D. ×gracillimum appears in flora treatments for the Australian states of Queensland and New South Wales (Stanley & Ross, l.c.; Weston in Harden, Fl. New South Wales 4: 231, 232. 1993), in popular works on Australian orchids (Lavarack & Gray, Trop. Orchids Australia: 148. 1985; Jones, Native Orchids Australia: 455. 1988; Dockrill, l.c.), works on Australian orchid cultivation and hybridization (Rentoul, Growing Orchids 4: 136. 1985; Upton, Dendrobium Orchids Australia: 145. 1989), in orchid society journals (Capell in Orchadian 14: 306. 2004) and in field guides (Adams, Guide Dendrobium Australia: 70. 2015). Awards have been made to at least nine clones of D. ×gracillimum in three different countries (D. ×gracillimum ‘Diana Miller’ CHM/AOS(2005), D. ×gracillimum ‘Frederike’ ACC/AOC(1991) CC/OSCOV(1993), D. ×gracillimum ‘Gwendoline Fay’ ACC/AOC(1996), D. ×gracillimum ‘Joan Allison’ AM/AOC(1994), D. ×gracillimum ‘Len’ ACE/AOC(2007), D. ×gracillimum ‘Old Gold’ CC/OSCOV(2009), D. ×gracillimum ‘Tess’ CC/NZOS(1999), D. ×gracillimum ‘Trish's Treasure’ HCC‐CCC/OSCOV(2003), D. ×gracillimum ‘Trumara’ CC/OSCOV(2003)), and 32 orchid hybrids have been registered with D. ×gracillimum as one of the parents.

This proposal is to conserve D. ×gracillimum against D. ×nitidum under Art. 14.4, which will allow D. ×gracillimum to remain the name used for this familiar and horticulturally significant orchid. Conservation will avoid the replacement of an established name of consistent application, with a relatively unfamiliar name of historically uncertain application, which would be disruptive to orchid enthusiasts, nursery managers, horticulturalists, and taxonomists.



(2771)石斛× gracillimum(鲁普)Leaney在Orchidol。Zeylanica 1:1934年73(D. speciosum。VAR gracillimum鲁普在PROC林恩志新南威尔士54:。550. 1929年12月16日)[Angiosp .:兰花。],NOM。缺点 支柱。


(=)石end ×针状(FM Bailey)J. Colman in Gard。编年史 3,69:107。1921年2月26日(D. speciosum。VAR两面针FM贝利布里斯班信使38(8000):7. 1883年9月1日),NOM。rej。支柱。

Neotypus(在澳大利亚的Clements中发现。OrchidRes。1:53. 1989):崇拜。鲍恩公园,布里斯班,1894年9月14日,贝利(BRI)。

在澳大利亚东部,D。speciosum J. Sm。之间有零星的自然杂种。和D. gracilicaule F. Muell。以D命名。× gracillimum(Rupp)Leaney(in Orchidol。Zeylanica 1:73. 1934,pro sp。)。该杂种最初被描述为D. speciosum var。gracillimum Rupp(在Proc。Linn。Soc。New South Wales 54:550. 1929)中,以“帕特森河谷,威廉姆斯河和克拉伦斯河的谷地”以及“其他未指定地点”的植物为基础。石D石ios变种的杂种起源。纤毛虫由Leaney(lc)提出,Leaney(lc)在物种等级上识别分类单元并提供了必要的组合。吕普(新南威尔士州的兰花:114。1944年)电石D石spec变种。纤毛虫当他表示“意识形态”时,即“作者认为是其典型物种的标本;原始说明中未指定类型时使用”(Rupp,lc 1944:147)。鲁普(Rupp)的选型来自帕特森(Paterson)的JD塔克(JD Tucker)夫人提供的一种有生命的植物,他将其中的一部分送往阿德莱德的私人执业医生理查德·罗杰斯(Richard S. Rogers)博士(1861-1942)进行研究。1928年10月,鲁普(Rupp)和罗杰斯(Rogers)都让塔克夫人的植物同时开花(Rupp,lc 1929:550)。鲁普于1929年9月保留了塔克夫人的植物的一部分,然后于1929年10月30日将其论文读给新南威尔士州立尼学会,因此,这是引用的原始材料的一部分。

石end石ios变种 nitidum FM Bailey(在布里斯班信使38(8000):7。1883年)中描述了一种生长在昆士兰州布里斯班博恩公园的开花植物,但起源于凯恩斯。显然没有保存任何原始材料(Bailey,Proc。Roy。Soc。Queensland 1:10.884)。Bailey(Queensland Fl。5:1526. 1902)提供了一个描述,并将其栖息地定为“热带昆士兰”,但由于缺少类型标本,因此对该名称的应用产生了疑问。石end石ios变种 两面针被认为是一个不同的类群通过鲁普(在PROC林恩志新南威尔士58:。223-228 1933),的一个隐含的同义词D. gracillimum由鲁普&亨特(在PROC林恩志新南威尔士州。 72:243. 1947)和的同义词d。× Stanley&Ross的美味佳肴(Fl。SE Queensland 3:436. 1989)。甲neotype,表示得自Bowen公园衍生并于1894年保存栽培植物,通过克莱门指定(。在澳兰花RES 1:53,1989),并且该分类单元被视为nothospecies与预期的新的组合“ d。×两面针(FM Bailey)MA Clem。&DL Jones”。D的父母之一。×两面针被认为是一个北方各种D. speciosumD. speciosum变种pedunculatum Clemesha [在Orchadian 6:261。1981]),其已被公认为一个独立的物种(Clements的,LC)。的单独物种状态D.speciosum变种 pedunculatum还没有普遍被接受,大部分工人处理D. speciosum作为一个单一的可变物种,包括Dockrill(奥斯特勒尔INDIG兰花1:504。1992),谁相应处理d。× nitidum作为D的同义词。× gracillimum。目前的共识是内类群D. speciosum代表亚种和变种(伯克&人在澳SYST博特21:1-14 2006;辛普森&人在Molec Phylogen EVOL 118:。。32-46。。 .2018); 因此,该名ð。× gracillimumd。×针状适用于同一天然存在的种间杂种D. speciosum × D. gracilicaule

奥梅罗德(在Orchadian 19:512 2020)指出,物种排名较早和以前被忽视的组合为D. speciosum变种。nitidum于1921年有效出版,当时授予了“先生先生”文化证书。据报道,在加特顿公园的Bart。Jeremiah Colman爵士的园丁科里尔(Collier)种植了“铁皮石D(speciosum nitidum)”(Gard。Chron。,ser。3,69:107. 1921)。对植物身份的简短引用既提供了组合,又提供了对义称的明确引用,因此,可能无意间满足了有效发布组合D. nitidum的要求。实际上,已经讨论和说明了Collier先前的展览,据说这是由Colman进口的石den(匿名在Gard。Chron。,ser。3,65:155. 1919),名称是D. speciosum var。 。两面针。该组合的作者D. nitidum(FM Bailey)J. Colman最好归因于Bart的Jeremiah Colman爵士。(1859–1942),商人,热情的兰花种植者,这种植物的名字属于其收藏。虽然名称不归属于任何人(第二句,艺术,在46.2 ICN,Turland等。在Regnum Veg中。159. 2017),所展出的植物归科尔曼所有,以前曾以其品种名称展出过,这一事实表明,这种组合应归因于他。这D.两面针是13年前Leaney的组合已发布D. gracillimum在种等级已经理解这时间内被忽视的99年,d。× gracillimum已根深蒂固,成为这种零星自然杂交种的名称。

名称d。× gracillimum出现在澳大利亚昆士兰州和新南威尔士州的植物群治疗中(Stanley&Ross,lc; Weston在佛罗里达州哈登,新南威尔士州4:231、232。1993年),出现在澳大利亚兰花的流行作品中(Lavarack& Gray,Trop。Orchids Australia:148。1985; Jones,Australian Orchids Australia:455。1988; Dockrill,lc)致力于澳大利亚兰花的种植和杂交(Rentoul,Growing Orchids 4:136。1985; Upton,Dendrobium Orchids Australia: 145. 1989),兰花学会期刊(卡佩尔在Orchadian 14:306。2004)和实地指南(亚当斯,澳大利亚石D指南:70。2015)。至少对9个D的克隆进行了奖励。×三个不同国家的gracillimumD。× gracillimum'Diana Miller'CHM / AOS(2005),D . × gracillimum'Frederike'ACC / AOC(1991)CC / OSCOV(1993),D.×gracillimum'Gwendoline Fay'ACC / AOC(1996),D。× gracillimum'Joan Allison'AM / AOC(1994),D。× gracillimum'Len'ACE / AOC(2007),D。× gracillimum'Old Gold'CC / OSCOV(2009),D。× gracillimum'Tess'CC / NZOS(1999),D。× gracillimum'Trish 's Treasure'HCC‐CCC / OSCOV(2003),D。×小花“ Trumara” CC / OSCOV(2003))和32个兰花杂种已向D注册。× gracillimum作为父母之一。

这一建议是为了节省d。×对D的cilcillimum。×针根在Art。14.4,这将允许d。× gracillimum仍然是这种常见且具有园艺意义的兰花的名称。保护措施将避免用历史上不确定的应用程序相对陌生的名称来代替一致使用的既定名称,这会对兰花爱好者,苗圃管理者,园艺师和分类学家造成破坏。
