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Global Compositae Database: A powerful new taxonomic resource
TAXON ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-29 , DOI: 10.1002/tax.12326
Morgan Gostel 1 , Mauricio Bonifacino 2

The International Compositae Alliance (TICA) is pleased to announce a new Global Compositae Database that has been developed with generous support from the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS). From 28 to 31 October 2019, nine members of TICA (Fig. 1) met at Flanders Marine Institute in Oostende, Belgium for a planning and strategy workshop to outline the organization of this new taxonomic database. This database will replace the Global Compositae Checklist (GCC), which has been hosted by Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research since 2009. Since its inception, the GCC had been graciously maintained and updated by Dr. Christina Flann. TICA is deeply grateful to Dr. Flann for her generous service to the Compositae community throughout the last ten years.

Fig. 1
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Members of the Compositae Working Group at Flanders Marine Institute, 28–31 October 2019. Attendees, L–R: Núria Garcia‐Jacas, Gustavo Heiden, Leen Vandepitte, Gao Tian‐Gang, Morgan Gostel, Alfonso Susanna, Thomas Lanssens, Edward Schilling, Nádia Roque, Mauricio Bonifacino, Wim Decock, Bart Vanhoorne, Benoit Loeuille. Photo Credit: The World Register of Marine Species.

This new Global Compositae Database is a community‐led resource that will provide authoritative and comprehensive taxonomic data and will be updated and edited by the newly created Compositae Working Group (CWG). The database is hosted at the TICA website (www.compositae.org) and its user interface is friendly and provides numerous features in addition to accurate taxonomic data for the most species‐rich family of plants on Earth. In addition to fundamental nomenclatural data, this resource can link to other databases, provide distribution maps for taxa, store original publications from taxonomic literature and photographs.

We encourage you to visit the database at http://www.compositae.org to explore the features and functionality. If you or your colleagues are interested in joining the CWG as editors, please contact cwg@compositae.org and indicate your willingness to contribute, the taxonomic group you will be curating (subfamily, tribe, genus, etc.), and your professional affiliation. Similarly, if you or your institution uses or has used the Global Compositae Checklist (GCC) in the past please contact the Compositae Working Group cwg@compositae.org to update your links to the new database.



国际菊科植物联合会(TICA)很高兴宣布一个新的全球菊科植物数据库,该数据库是在世界海洋生物名录(WoRMS)的大力支持下开发的。从2019年10月28日至31日,TICA的9名成员(图1)在比利时Oostende的佛兰德海洋研究所举行了计划和策略研讨会,概述了这个新的分类数据库的组织。该数据库将取代自2009年以来由Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research托管的全球菊科清单(GCC)。自成立以来,GCC由Christina Flann博士精心维护和更新。TICA非常感谢Flann博士在过去十年中对Compositae社区的慷慨服务。

法兰德斯海洋研究所菊科工作组成员,2019年10月28日至31日。参加者,LR:努里亚·加西亚·贾卡斯,古斯塔沃·海登,莱恩·范德皮特,高天刚,摩根·戈斯特尔,阿方索·苏珊娜,托马斯·兰森斯,爱德华·席林,娜迪亚·罗克(NádiaRoque),毛里西奥·博尼法西诺(Mauricio Bonifacino),威姆·德克(Wim Decock),巴特·范荷恩(Bart Vanhoorne),贝努瓦·洛伊(Benoit Loeuille)。图片来源:《世界海洋生物名录》。


