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Ecological Monographs ( IF 7.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-26 , DOI: 10.1002/ecm.1434

Errata for Bowen, S. H. 1979. A nutritional constraint in detritivory by fishes: the stunted population of Sarotherodon mossambicus in Lake Sibaya, South Africa. Ecological Monographs 49:17–31.

It has been discovered that during production an error in the conversion of energy units from calories to Joules occurred, with many units mistakenly divided by 4.184 when they should have been multiplied by that number. We apologize to the author and our readers for this error. Corrected units are noted below.

In the Abstract, “caloric content ( x - = 0.97 J/mg organic)” should be “energy content ( x - = 17.0 J/mg organic)”.

In Table 2, the Joules/mg organic and Digestible P/Digestible kJ columns are corrected as follows:

Joules Digestible P
mg Organic Digestible kJ
Transect 1 18.5 8.36
17.8 7.42
19.0 5.06
13.8 4.06
14.1 5.18
13.8 4.53
11.7 5.89
12.2 4.00
Transect 2 19.0 4.53
16.3 4.59
19.4 3.59
19.0 4.53
14.1 3.77
14.9 3.59
16.6 2.71
14.8 3.18
16.3 3.83
12.7 3.47
19.9 3.18
16.8 2.94
21.6 3.47
Transect 3 16.3 7.77
17.0 5.71
15.6 6.36
15.1 6.42
16.5 3.71
10.9 4.24
17.1 2.89
17.5 3.00
15.1 3.18
19.0 2.94
16.8 2.89
17.7 3.53
20.4 1.88
Gradual Slope 20.5 1.94
16.8 1.35
16.1 2.12
14.6 1.35
17.1 1.06

In Table 3, for the “Three terrace transects” samples, the correct reported mean for J/mg organic should be 16.3, rather than 0.96 as listed.

In Table 6, the Kilojoules row is corrected as follows:

Terrace sample Gradual slope sample
Food Feces Assimilated AE% Food Feces Assimilated AE%
Kilojoules 6.62 4.75 2.55 38.8 11.38 8.66 5.09 45.3



鲍恩(Bowen)的勘误表,上海,1979年。《鱼类有害的营养限制:南非西巴亚湖的莎草(Sarotherodon mossambicus)发育不良》。生态专着49:17-31。


在摘要中,“热量含量( X -- = 0.97 J / mg有机物)应为“能量含量( X -- = 17.0 J / mg有机)”。

在表2中,焦耳/毫克有机物和可消化P /可消化kJ柱的校正如下:

焦耳 可消化磷
毫克有机 可消化的千焦
样线1 18.5 8.36
17.8 7.42
19.0 5.06
13.8 4.06
14.1 5.18
13.8 4.53
11.7 5.89
12.2 4.00
样线2 19.0 4.53
16.3 4.59
19.4 3.59
19.0 4.53
14.1 3.77
14.9 3.59
16.6 2.71
14.8 3.18
16.3 3.83
12.7 3.47
19.9 3.18
16.8 2.94
21.6 3.47
样3 16.3 7.77
17.0 5.71
15.6 6.36
15.1 6.42
16.5 3.71
10.9 4.24
17.1 2.89
17.5 3.00
15.1 3.18
19.0 2.94
16.8 2.89
17.7 3.53
20.4 1.88
缓坡 20.5 1.94
16.8 1.35
16.1 2.12
14.6 1.35
17.1 1.06

在表3中,对于“三个阶地样”样品,正确报告的J / mg有机物的平均值应为16.3,而不是所列的0.96。


露台样品 渐变坡度样本
餐饮 被同化 AE% 餐饮 被同化 AE%
千焦耳 6.62 4.75 2.55 38.8 11.38 8.66 5.09 45.3
