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Diversity and palaeoecology of Australia's southern-most sauropods, Griman Creek Formation (Cenomanian), New South Wales, Australia
Lethaia ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-29 , DOI: 10.1111/let.12407
Timothy G. Frauenfelder 1 , Nicolás E. Campione 1 , Elizabeth T. Smith 2 , Phil R. Bell 1

Predominately, occurances of Australian sauropods from the Early to mid-Cretaceous of Queensland and Western Australia, lie between ~45° and 55°S palaeolatitude. The Cenomanian Griman Creek Formation, which straddles the New South Wales–Queensland border, preserves arguably one of the richest Cretaceous terrestrial faunas in Australia. Although sauropod postcranial elements are notably absent or as yet unidentified, isolated sauropod teeth are relatively well represented from exposures near Lightning Ridge (New South Wales), offering insights into the diversity and palaeoecology of these animals at ~60°S palaeolatitude. From a sample of 25 teeth, we identify five dental morphotypes from the Griman Creek Formation. Some of this variation is attributed to heterodonty; however, other distinctive morphologies partly agree with previous indications of at least two taxa of non-titanosaur titanosauriforms together with a third, possible titanosaur in the Griman Creek Formation. An investigation of dental microwear found two teeth with identifiable wear features, but differences in these features suggest separate feeding strategies consistent with the hypothesis of ecological tiering between sympatric species. The presence of at least two non-titanosaur titanosauriforms and a third species of titanosaur in the Griman Creek Formation is reminiscent of the roughly coeval Winton Formation in central Queensland, which preserves three titanosauriform species, and implies that diverse sauropod communities persisted during this interval into their most southern recorded range in Australia.



从昆士兰和西澳大利亚的早白垩世到中白垩世,澳大利亚蜥脚类恐龙主要分布在~45°和55°S之间的古纬度之间。横跨新南威尔士州和昆士兰州边界的 Cenomanian Griman Creek Formation 可以说是澳大利亚最丰富的白垩纪陆地动物群之一。尽管蜥脚类恐龙的颅后元素明显不存在或尚未确定,但在闪电岭(新南威尔士州)附近的暴露中相对较好地代表了孤立的蜥脚类恐龙牙齿,提供了对这些动物在~60°S 古纬度的多样性和古生态学的见解。从 25 颗牙齿的样本中,我们确定了来自 Griman Creek 地层的五种牙齿形态。这种变异部分归因于异牙症;然而,其他独特的形态部分与先前的迹象一致,即至少有两个非泰坦龙类的分类群,以及格里曼溪组中的第三个可能的泰坦龙。对牙齿微磨损的调查发现两颗牙齿具有可识别的磨损特征,但这些特征的差异表明不同的喂养策略与同域物种之间生态分层的假设一致。Griman Creek 组中至少有两种非泰坦龙类和第三种泰坦龙的存在让人想起昆士兰中部大致同时期的 Winton 组,该组保存了三种泰坦龙类物种,并暗示在此期间,不同的蜥脚类群落持续存在于他们在澳大利亚最南端的记录范围。