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Application of planar optodes to measure CO2 gradients in the rhizosphere of unsaturated soils
Rhizosphere ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.rhisph.2020.100266
Maire Holz , Joscha N. Becker , Gabrielle Daudin , Eva Oburger

Soil respiration is tightly linked to rhizosphere processes, which are characterized by high spatial variability. We tested whether planar optodes can be applied to capture this spatial variability of CO2 in the rhizosphere. Maize (Zea mays) was grown in rhizoboxes and CO2 concentration around roots was measured at three volumetric soil water contents (VWC) using planar optodes. Gradients of CO2 were clearly visible around root tips but less pronounced around mature root parts probably due to high root respiration and microbial activity around tips. Saturating the soil from 21% VWC increased the measured CO2 concentration from 0.23 to 1.47 μmol CO2 L−1. Statistical comparisons between VWC levels indicated that small changes in soil WC might strongly affect CO2 measurements. However, provided that the soil moisture is kept constant, optode measurements of CO2 can be used in moist soil samples to quantify relative differences in CO2 concentration between treatments or soil regions.


平面光电二极管在非饱和土壤根际测量CO 2梯度的应用

土壤呼吸与根际过程紧密相关,根际过程具有高度的空间变异性。我们测试了是否可以将平面光电二极管应用于捕获根际中CO 2的这种空间变异性。玉米(Zea mays)在根际箱中生长,并使用平面光电二极管在三种体积土壤水含量(VWC)下测量了根周围的CO 2浓度根尖周围清晰可见CO 2梯度,而在成熟根部周围则不太明显,这可能是由于根尖周围的高呼吸作用和微生物活性所致。使土壤中的VWC饱和度为21%,将测量到的CO 2浓度从0.23增加到1.47μmolCO 2 L-1 VWC水平之间的统计比较表明,土壤WC的微小变化可能会强烈影响CO 2的测量。但是,只要土壤湿度保持恒定,就可以在潮湿的土壤样品中使用CO 2的光电测量来量化处理或土壤区域之间CO 2浓度的相对差异。
