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Approximating Max k-Uncut via LP-rounding plus greed, with applications to Densest k-Subgraph
Theoretical Computer Science ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tcs.2020.10.018
Peng Zhang , Zhendong Liu

The Max k-Uncut problem arose from the study of homophily of large-scale networks. Given an n-vertex undirected graph G=(V,E) with nonnegative weights defined on edges and a positive integer k, the Max k-Uncut problem asks to find a partition {V1,V2,,Vk} of V such that the total weight of edges that are not cut is maximized. This problem is the complement of the classic Min k-Cut problem, and was proved to have surprisingly rich connection to the Densest k-Subgraph problem. In this paper, we give an approximation algorithm for Max k-Uncut using a non-uniform approach combining LP-rounding and the greedy strategy. The algorithm partitions the vertices of G into at least (11e)k parts in expectation, and achieves a good expected approximation ratio 12(1+(nkn)2).


近似最大k-通过LP舍入加贪婪进行未切割,应用于Densest k -Subgraph

最大 ķ -Uncut问题从同质大规模网络的研究出现。给定一个n -vertex无向图G=VË在边上定义了非负权重并使用正整数k时Max k -Uncut问题要求找到一个分区{V1个V2Vķ}V使得边缘是总重量切断被最大化。该问题是经典Min k- Cut问题的补充,并被证明与Densest k -Subgraph问题具有令人惊讶的丰富联系。在本文中,我们使用结合了LP舍入和贪婪策略的非均匀方法,给出了Max k -Uncut的近似算法。该算法将G的顶点至少划分为1个-1个Ëķ 符合预期,并达到良好的预期近似率 1个21个+ñ-ķñ2
