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Fish and crab coprolites from the latest Triassic of the UK: From Buckland to the Mesozoic Marine Revolution
Proceedings of the Geologists' Association Pub Date : 2020-10-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pgeola.2020.07.011
Marie Cueille , Emily Green , Christopher J. Duffin , Claudia Hildebrandt , Michael J. Benton

Coprolites from the Rhaetian bone beds in south-west England can be assigned to crustaceans and fishes. Here, we report crustacean microcoprolites, including Canalispalliatum and Favreina, the first records from the British Rhaetian, from Hampstead Farm Quarry near Bristol, evidence for diverse lobsters and their relatives not otherwise represented by body fossils. Further, we identify five fish coprolite morphotypes that differ in shape (cylindrical, flattened) and in presence or absence of a spiral internal structure. Many coprolites show bony inclusions on the surface, often relatively large in proportion to the coprolite; these show little or no evidence for acid damage, suggesting that the predators did not have the physiological adaptations of many modern predatory fishes and reptiles to dissolve bones. CT scanning has revealed the nature, packing and identity of inclusions within the coprolites, mainly fish scales, and some coprolites can contain more than twenty. An extraordinary discovery in one coprolite comprises a single sculptured skull element of the large bony fish Severnichthys together with two caudal vertebrae of the marine reptile Pachystropheus: did the coprolite producer, likely a fish, scavenge some flesh from the head of Severnichthys and then bite off the tail of the reptile? Assigning coprolites to producers is difficult, but it seems that Gyrolepis was preyed on by nearly every predator. The faunas and trophic relations revealed by the coprolites show that this was a modern-style marine ecosystem, with abundant crustaceans and several species of durophagous fishes, evidence for an early stage in the Mesozoic Marine Revolution.



来自英格兰西南部Rheatian骨床的辅酶可以分配给甲壳动物和鱼类。在这里,我们报告了甲壳类菌,包括CanalispalliatumFavreina,来自英国布里斯托尔(Bristol)附近汉普斯特德农场采石场(Hampstead Farm Quarry)的英国Rhaetian的第一批记录,证明了各种龙虾及其亲属没有以化石来表示。此外,我们确定了五种鱼类coprolite形态型,它们的形状(圆柱状,扁平状)不同,并且存在或不存在螺旋形内部结构。许多共prolites在表面上显示出骨内含物,通常与coprolite成比例。这些几乎没有或没有酸破坏的证据,表明这些捕食者没有许多现代掠食性鱼类和爬行动物的生理适应性来溶解骨骼。CT扫描显示了共腐殖质(主要是鱼鳞)中夹杂物的性质,堆积和特性,某些共腐殖质中可能含有20多种。Severnichthys以及海洋爬行动物Pachystropheus的两个尾椎骨:副prolite生产者(可能是鱼类)是否从Severnichthys的头部清除了一些肉,然后咬住了爬行动物的尾巴?向生产者分配辅酶是困难的,但是似乎几乎所有的掠食者都捕食了Gyrolepis。共生动物揭示的动物和营养关系表明,这是一个现代风格的海洋生态系统,具有丰富的甲壳类动物和数种嗜食鱼类,这是中生代海洋革命初期的证据。
