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Testing selectivity of bacterial and fungal culture media compared to original silage samples using next generation sequencing
Journal of Microbiological Methods ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mimet.2020.106088
Pascal Drouin 1 , Francesco Ferrero 2

Plate counts using selective culture media is still the most frequently used method for the enumeration of the different microbial groups that colonize silage, including lactic acid bacteria, yeasts and molds. Since different culture media have specific composition, they may allow the growth of specific populations. To date, no study has used next generation sequencing technology to compare the selective capacity of these different culture media although this approach could provide comprehensive insight into the relevance of using one culture medium over another. Sequencing of the 16S rDNA and ITS amplicon were performed to compare the selectivity of different culture media used in silage microbiology. Corn silage, grass-alfalfa silage and total mixed ration extracts were plated on five selective media for lactic acid bacteria, incubated under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, and on eight selective media for yeast and molds to compare their selectivity. Ensiling provided a pre-selection environment for specific microorganisms over forage and reduced the number of observed OTUs: only 12 OTUs of bacteria were observed in corn silage sampled in the center of a bunker silo, while the mean number of OTUs identified in samples taken closer to the side of the silo, influenced by higher oxygen and humidity level, increased to 79. Still, MRS and Rogosa plates had less than 12 different OTUs in the center and 24 at the side, mainly Lactobacillaceae, Acetobacteraceae, and Leuconostocaceae. Incubating the plates under anaerobic conditions was selective against Acetobacteraceae. MRS supplemented with acetic acid increased selectivity of lactic acid bacteria. When plated on culture media specific for yeast and molds, from 17 to 68 different OTUs were observed in corn silage. Mixed grass-alfalfa silage and total mixed ration samples usually had more observed OTUs and the diversity profile of the corresponding culture media was similar to that of the original samples. For yeasts and molds, Dichloran Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar revealed a diversity profile close to the that of the corn silage.



盘点计数仍然是使用选择性培养基进行计数的最常用方法,该方法用于枚举定居青贮饲料的各种微生物,包括乳酸菌,酵母和霉菌。由于不同的培养基具有特定的成分,因此它们可以允许特定人群的增长。迄今为止,还没有研究使用下一代测序技术来比较这些不同培养基的选择性能力,尽管这种方法可以全面了解使用一种培养基与另一种培养基的相关性。进行了16S rDNA和ITS扩增子的测序,以比较青贮微生物中使用的不同培养基的选择性。将玉米青贮饲料,草苜蓿青贮饲料和总混合日粮提取物涂在用于乳酸菌的五种选择性培养基上,在需氧和厌氧条件下,在八种酵母和霉菌的选择性培养基上孵育,以比较它们的选择性。贮藏提供了特定微生物在草料上的预选环境,并减少了所观察到的OTU数量:在沙坑中心采样的玉米青贮饲料中仅观察到12个OTU细菌,而更近的样品中鉴定出的OTU平均值受较高的氧气和湿度影响,筒仓一侧的OTU增加到79。MRS和Rogosa板的中央OTU少于12个,侧面OTU小于24,主要是乳杆菌科醋杆菌科和白葡萄球菌科。在厌氧条件下孵育平板对醋杆菌科具有选择性补充乙酸的MRS可提高乳酸菌的选择性。当涂在酵母和霉菌特有的培养基上时,玉米青贮中观察到17至68种不同的OTU。草-苜蓿青贮混合饲料和总混合日粮样品通常具有更多的OTU,相应培养基的多样性特征与原始样品相似。对于酵母和霉菌,敌敌畏玫瑰孟加拉氯霉素琼脂显示出与玉米青贮饲料接近的多样性。
