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Growth of ordered and disordered epitaxial thin films of Lu2MnNiO6 using (001)-LaAlO3 and (001)-SrTiO3 substrates: observation of six monoclinic in-plane twin variants and glassy magnetic behaviour
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2020.167514
Tanushree Sarkar , Suja Elizabeth , P.S. Anil Kumar

Abstract It is well known that in double perovskites, the degree of cation ordering plays a very important role in determining the intrinsic magnetic properties. Therefore, in order to distinguish between the intrinsic properties and the disordered cation driven magnetic properties, we have grown ordered and disordered epitaxial thin films of Lu2MnNiO6 (LMNO) using two different cubic substrates (001)-LaAlO3 and (001)-SrTiO3 (LAO and STO respectively) by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) method. It is found that both LMNO films grow in monoclinic crystal symmetry and possess two out-of-plane domains (110) and (001). Moreover, various in-plane rotations of these domains give rise to a total of six in-plane twin variants. The films show dominant ferromagnetic nature. Due to good lattice matching with LAO, LMNO/LAO films are well-ordered and exhibit a sharp ferromagnetic to paramagnetic transition at TC = 38 K, whereas, the large lattice mismatch with STO resulted in disordered LMNO/STO films and TC is lowered to 34 K. The value of maximum magnetization (MS, at 70 kOe) in disordered LMNO/STO (MS = 2.4 μB/f.u.) is almost half of that in the ordered LMNO/LAO (MS = 4.0 μB/f.u.). Interestingly, the well-ordered LMNO/LAO films show memory effect and relaxation of magnetization in the entire temperature range below TC. This is in conformance to the intrinsic glassy magnetic nature of LMNO.


使用 (001)-LaAlO3 和 (001)-SrTiO3 衬底生长有序和无序的 Lu2MnNiO6 外延薄膜:观察六种单斜晶面内孪晶变体和玻璃磁行为

摘要 众所周知,在双钙钛矿中,阳离子有序度在决定本征磁性方面起着非常重要的作用。因此,为了区分本征性质和无序阳离子驱动的磁性,我们使用两种不同的立方衬底 (001)-LaAlO3 和 (001)-SrTiO3 (LAO) 生长了有序和无序的 Lu2MnNiO6 (LMNO) 外延薄膜和 STO) 通过脉冲激光沉积 (PLD) 方法。发现两种LMNO薄膜均以单斜晶体对称生长,并具有两个面外域(110)和(001)。此外,这些域的各种平面内旋转产生总共六个平面内孪生变体。这些薄膜显示出主要的铁磁性质。由于与 LAO 良好的晶格匹配,LMNO/LAO 薄膜有序并在 TC = 38 K 时表现出明显的铁磁到顺磁的转变,而与 STO 的大晶格失配导致 LMNO/STO 薄膜无序,TC 降低到 34 K。最大磁化强度值(MS, at 70 kOe) 在无序 LMNO/STO (MS = 2.4 μB/fu) 中几乎是有序 LMNO/LAO (MS = 4.0 μB/fu) 中的一半。有趣的是,有序的 LMNO/LAO 薄膜在低于 TC 的整个温度范围内表现出记忆效应和磁化弛豫。这符合 LMNO 固有的玻璃磁性。) 几乎是有序 LMNO/LAO (MS = 4.0 μB/fu) 中的一半。有趣的是,有序的 LMNO/LAO 薄膜在低于 TC 的整个温度范围内表现出记忆效应和磁化弛豫。这符合 LMNO 固有的玻璃磁性。) 几乎是有序 LMNO/LAO (MS = 4.0 μB/fu) 中的一半。有趣的是,有序的 LMNO/LAO 薄膜在低于 TC 的整个温度范围内表现出记忆效应和磁化弛豫。这符合 LMNO 固有的玻璃磁性。