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The plight of camels eating plastic waste
Journal of Arid Environments ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2020.104374
Marcus Eriksen , Amy Lusher , Mia Nixon , Ulrich Wernery

Abstract Ecological impacts of plastic pollution are widespread, in all biomes and geographies. Here, we report the ingestion of anthropogenic waste, primarily plastic bags and rope by dromedary camels (Camelus dromedarius) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which has led to a regional mortality rate of 1%. We define the ingested waste as a polybezoar, a collection of tightly packed indigestible materials which can include plastics, ropes, other litter and salt deposits trapped in the stomach or digestive tract forming a large stone-like mass. In the Central Veterinary Research Laboratory (CVRL) in Dubai, UAE, of the more than 30,000 camels evaluated from the region since 2008, there have been 300 camels observed post-mortem with polybezoars in their stomach, from both camels in the CRVL or recovered from desiccated skeletons found in the desert. Here, we analyze a subset of five polybezoars ranging from 6.2 to 63.6 kg. Polybeozars lead to gastrointestinal blockages, sepsis from increased gut bacteria, dehydration and malnutrition. Due to high winds and the open desert environment, plastic bags and other film packaging escape open waste bins and landfills, traveling long distances; therefore we suggest improved waste management and alternative systems to package and deliver goods throughout the region.



摘要 塑料污染的生态影响广泛存在于所有生物群落和地理区域。在这里,我们报告了阿拉伯联合酋长国 (UAE) 的单峰骆驼 (Camelus dromedarius) 摄入人为废物,主要是塑料袋和绳索,这导致区域死亡率为 1%。我们将摄入的废物定义为聚牛黄,这是一种紧密包装的难消化材料的集合,其中包括塑料、绳索、其他垃圾和困在胃或消化道中的盐沉积物,形成大块石头状物质。在阿联酋迪拜的中央兽医研究实验室 (CVRL) 中,自 2008 年以来对该地区的 30,000 多头骆驼进行了评估,其中有 300 头骆驼在死后被观察到胃中含有多聚牛黄,来自 CRVL 中的两只骆驼或已恢复的骆驼来自沙漠中发现的干燥骨骼。在这里,我们分析了重量从 6.2 到 63.6 千克不等的五个多聚牛黄的子集。Polybeozars 会导致胃肠道阻塞、肠道细菌增加引起的败血症、脱水和营养不良。由于大风和开阔的沙漠环境,塑料袋和其他薄膜包装逃离开放式垃圾箱和垃圾填埋场,长途跋涉;因此,我们建议改进废物管理和替代系统,以在整个地区包装和运送货物。