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Gambierdiscus and fukuyoa as potential indicators of ciguatera risk in the balearic islands
Harmful Algae ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.hal.2020.101913
Àngels Tudó , Anna Toldrà , Maria Rey , Irene Todolí , Karl B. Andree , Margarita Fernández-Tejedor , Mònica Campàs , Francesc X. Sureda , Jorge Diogène

Gambierdiscus and Fukuyoa are genera of toxic dinoflagellates which were mainly considered as endemic to marine intertropical areas, and that are well known as producers of ciguatoxins (CTXs) and maitotoxins (MTXs). Ciguatera poisoning (CP) is a human poisoning occurring after the consumption of fish or more rarely, shellfish containing CTXs. The presence of these microalgae in a coastal area is an indication of potential risk of CP. This study assesses the risk of CP in the Balearic Islands (Western Mediterranean Sea) according to the distribution of both microalgae genera, and the presence of CTX-like and MTX-like toxicity in microalgal cultures as determined by neuro-2a cell based-assay (neuro-2a CBA). Genetic identification of forty-three cultured microalgal strains isolated from 2016 to 2019 revealed that all of them belong to the species G. australes and F. paulensis. Both species were widely distributed in Formentera, Majorca and Minorca. Additionally, all strains of G. australes and two of F. paulensis exhibited signals of CTX-like toxicity ranging respectively between 1 and 380 and 8–16 fg CTX1B equivalents (equiv.) • cell−1. Four extracts of F. paulensis exhibited a novel toxicity response in neuro-2a cells consisting of the recovery of the cell viability in the presence of ouabain and veratridine. In addition, G. australes showed MTX-like toxicity while F. paulensis strains did not. Overall, the low CTX-like toxicities detected indicate that the potential risk of CP in the Balearic Islands is low, although, the presence of CTX-like and MTX-like toxicity in those strains reveal the necessity to monitor these genera in the Mediterranean Sea.



Gambierdiscus福冈是有毒的鞭毛藻的属,主要被认为是海洋热带地区特有的,并且众所周知是雪茄毒素(CTX)和麦托毒素(MTX)的生产者。Ciguatera中毒(CP)是一种人类中毒,发生在食用鱼类或更罕见的含有CTX的贝类之后。这些微藻在沿海地区的存在表明有潜在的CP风险。这项研究根据神经藻类2a细胞测定法,根据微藻属的分布以及微藻培养物中CTX样和MTX样毒性的存在,评估了巴利阿里群岛(西地中海)CP的风险。 (neuro-2a CBA)。从2016年至2019年分离的43种培养微藻菌株的遗传鉴定显示,它们都属于该物种G. australesF. paulensis。两种物种都广泛分布在福门特拉岛,马略卡岛和梅诺卡岛。此外,所有的菌株G. australes和两个F. paulensis CTX一样的毒性范围分别为1个至380和8-16 FG CTX1B当量(当量)•细胞的表现出信号-1鲍氏镰刀菌的四种提取物在神经2a细胞中表现出新的毒性反应,包括在哇巴因和维拉替丁存在下细胞活力的恢复。此外,澳大利亚南方。(G。australes)表现出MTX样毒性,而南方F菌株没有。总体而言,检测到的低CTX样毒性表明巴利阿里群岛的CP潜在风险较低,尽管这些菌株中存在CTX样和MTX样毒性表明有必要在地中海监测这些属。
