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Tracking Alexandrium catenella from seed-bed to bloom on the southern coast of Korea
Harmful Algae ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.hal.2020.101922
Young Ok Kim , Jungmin Choi , Seung Ho Baek , Minji Lee , Hee-Mock Oh

Alexandrium catenella was tracked from seed-bed to bloom at a hot spot of cyst deposition on the southern coast of Korea from June 2016 to Feb. 2020. Changes in cyst abundance and germinability from sediment, as well as the vegetative cell abundance and encystment in the water column were intensively monitored. Cyst germination of ca. 73% occurred synchronously in November of 2016 to 2019, when bottom water temperature was around 15 °C. After mass germination, vegetative cells formed a seed populations at low density (<10 cells L−1) during winter. Overwintering populations initiated growth in March and then proliferated into high density (ca. 4 × 104 cells L−1) spring blooms in mid-April 2017 when moderate temperature (15 °C) was recorded. There was no bloom in spring of 2018 and 2019, but small vegetative populations developed. Decline of the spring bloom was followed by massive encystment and an increase in Noctiluca abundance. An average spring encystment ratio of 0.002 was estimated for the study years. Newly formed cysts lay dormant during the warm season lasting about six months and then seeded the next population of vegetative cells. An average contribution ratio of cells recruited from the sediment was ca. 0.09 for seeding winter populations. The range in shift ratios for spring production of a daughter cyst population to prior cyst abundance of the mother population in fall was 0.1 to 0.6 for consecutive years, depending on annual variation of local environments. Tracking mass transformation of A. catenella cysts will contribute to more effective science based management of paralytic shellfish poisoning on the southern Korean coast.



从2016年6月至2020年2月,在韩国南部海岸的囊肿沉积热点处,亚历山大连体藻从种子床被发现到开花。在该囊中,囊肿丰度和可生性的变化,以及沉积物中的营养细胞丰度和包囊度发生了变化。对水柱进行严格监控。囊肿萌发约。73%在2016年11月至2019年同步发生,当时底水温度约为15°C。大量发芽后,营养细胞在冬季形成低密度(<10细胞L -1)的种子种群。越冬种群在三月开始生长,然后增殖为高密度(约4×10 4个细胞L -1)2017年4月中旬春季开花,记录为中温(15°C)。2018年春季和2019年春季没有开花,但植物种群较少。春季开花下降后,大量囊肿和夜光藻数量增加丰富。估计研究年份的平均春季囊肿率为0.002。新形成的囊肿在大约六个月的温暖季节处于休眠状态,然后播种下一批营养细胞。从沉积物中募集的细胞的平均贡献比约为。播种冬季种群时为0.09。根据当地环境的年度变化,连续数年,春季子代囊肿的春季生产与母体先前的囊肿丰度的变化比范围为0.1至0.6。追踪毛虫A.囊肿的大规模转化将有助于在韩国南部沿海以科学为基础的对麻痹性贝类中毒的更有效管理。
