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Knowledge co-production for Indigenous adaptation pathways: Transform post-colonial articulation complexes to empower local decision-making
Global Environmental Change ( IF 8.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2020.102161
Rosemary Hill , Fiona J. Walsh , Jocelyn Davies , Ashley Sparrow , Meg Mooney , Russell M. Wise , Maria Tengö

Co-production between scientific and Indigenous knowledge has been identified as useful to generating adaptation pathways with Indigenous peoples, who are attached to their traditional lands and thus highly exposed to the impacts of climate change. However, ignoring the complex and contested histories of nation-state colonisation can result in naïve adaptation plans that increase vulnerability. Here, through a case study in central Australia, we investigate the conditions under which co-production between scientific and Indigenous knowledge can support climate change adaptation pathways among place-attached Indigenous communities. A research team including scientists, Ltyentye Apurte Rangers and other staff from the Central Land Council first undertook activities to co-produce climate change presentations in the local Arrernte language; enable community members to identify potential adaptation actions; and implement one action, erosion control. Second, we reflected on the outcomes of these activities in order to unpack deeper influences. Applying the theory of articulation complexes, we show how ideologies, institutions and economies have linked Indigenous societies and the establishing Australian nation-state since colonisation. The sequence of complexes characterised as frontier, mission, pastoral, land-rights, community-development and re-centralisation, which is current, have both enabled and constrained adaptation options. We found knowledge co-production generates adaptation pathways when: (1) effective methods for knowledge co-production are used, based on deeply respectful partnerships, cultural governance and working together through five co-production tasks—prepare, communicate, discuss, bring together and apply; (2) Indigenous people have ongoing connection to their traditional territories to maintain their Indigenous knowledge; (3) the relationship between the Indigenous people and the nation-state empowers local decision-making and learning, which requires and creates consent, trust, accountability, reciprocity, and resurgence of Indigenous culture, knowledge and practices. These conditions foster the emergence of articulation complexes that enable the necessary transformative change from the colonial legacies. Both these conditions and our approach are likely to be relevant for place-attached Indigenous peoples across the globe in generating climate adaptation pathways.



已经确认,科学知识和土著知识之间的联合生产对于与土著人民建立适应途径非常有用,因为土著人民依附于其传统土地,因此高度暴露于气候变化的影响。但是,忽略民族国家殖民的复杂和有争议的历史可能会导致幼稚的适应计划,从而增加脆弱性。在这里,通过在澳大利亚中部的一个案例研究,我们调查了科学知识和土著知识之间的联合生产可以支持有条件的土著社区之间的气候变化适应途径的条件。一个由科学家,Ltyentye Apurte Rangers和中央土地委员会其他工作人员组成的研究小组首先开展活动,以当地Arrernte语言共同制作气候变化报告;使社区成员能够确定潜在的适应行动;并实施一项行动,侵蚀控制。其次,我们反思了这些活动的成果,以挖掘更深层次的影响。应用发音复合体理论,我们展示了自殖民以来意识形态,制度和经济如何将土著社会与澳大利亚建立的民族国家联系在一起。目前,以边境,宣教,牧区,土地权利,社区发展和再集权为特征的综合体序列既已使适应性选择又受其限制。我们发现,在以下情况下,知识共同生产会产生适应途径:(1)在深深尊重伙伴关系,文化治理的基础上,通过五个共同生产任务(准备,交流,讨论,汇集和应用;(2)土著人民与他们的传统领地有持续的联系,以保持其土著知识;(3)土著人民与民族国家之间的关系赋予了地方决策和学习权力,这要求并创造了土著文化,知识和实践的同意,信任,责任心,对等和复兴。这些条件促进了铰接复合体的出现,从而使殖民地遗留下来的必要的变革性改变。这些条件和我们的方法都可能与全球各地的土著人民建立气候适应途径有关。(2)土著人民与他们的传统领地有持续的联系,以保持其土著知识;(3)土著人民与民族国家之间的关系赋予了地方决策和学习权力,这要求并创造了土著文化,知识和实践的同意,信任,责任心,对等和复兴。这些条件促进了关节运动复合体的出现,从而使殖民地遗留物发生了必要的变革。这些条件和我们的方法都可能与全球各地的土著人民创造气候适应途径有关。(2)土著人民与他们的传统领地保持联系,以保持其土著知识;(3)土著人民与民族国家之间的关系赋予了地方决策和学习权力,这要求并创造了土著文化,知识和实践的同意,信任,责任心,对等和复兴。这些条件促进了关节运动复合体的出现,从而使殖民地遗留物发生了必要的变革。这些条件和我们的方法都可能与全球各地的土著人民建立气候适应途径有关。土著文化,知识和做法的责任,互惠和复兴。这些条件促进了关节运动复合体的出现,从而使殖民地遗留物发生了必要的变革。这些条件和我们的方法都可能与全球各地的土著人民建立气候适应途径有关。土著文化,知识和做法的责任,互惠和复兴。这些条件促进了关节运动复合体的出现,从而使殖民地遗留物发生了必要的变革。这些条件和我们的方法都可能与全球各地的土著人民建立气候适应途径有关。
