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Performance issues of barrier systems for landfills: A review
Geotextiles and Geomembranes ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.geotexmem.2020.10.016
Nathalie Touze-Foltz , Haijian Xie , Guillaume Stoltz

Abstract The objective of the paper is to give an update in key topics related to performance issues of barrier systems for landfills. The objective of using barrier systems is to minimize the impact of contaminants on the surrounding environment. To achieve this goal puncture protection of the geomembrane must be ensured. An update is first given with respect to this matter. The question of the stability on slope of geosynthetic barrier systems is then discussed and an insight is given in modeling and laboratory measurement of parameters required to perform reliable modeling, especially as regards the case of piggy-back landfills. Geotechnical centrifuge modelling tests are very important for simulation of landfill stability induced by the failure of geosynthetic interfaces and validation of complicated numerical models, especially for the high food waste content landfills. The seismic design or assessment of landfill stability with respect to geosyntheics needs to be investigated. Finally, the question of transfers through bottom barrier systems is addressed, giving an update especially in the analytical solutions developed in the past 10 years in China in this matter. The breakthrough time based design method for landfill liner system was then summarized. The behaviour of double-liner system and its simplified performance-based design method should be further investigated in the high food waste landfills with high leachate level.