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Adolescent Students’ Digital Engagement and Achievement Goal Orientation Profiles
Computers & Education ( IF 8.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.compedu.2020.104058
Kaja Mädamürk , Heta Tuominen , Lauri Hietajärvi , Katariina Salmela-Aro

Abstract The current study investigated how students’ digital engagement (i.e., digital learning preference, wish for digital schoolwork, and schoolwork and sleep impairment related to Internet use) is related to their achievement goal orientation profiles from Grades 8 to 9. The sample included 1,482 Finnish students (15–16 years old, 53% female) from 26 schools. Students’ digital engagement and achievement goal orientations were assessed with self-reported questionnaires. Latent profile and latent transition analyses were used to investigate goal orientation profiles, and the Bolck-Croon-Hagenaars approach and logistic regression were used to explore differences between the profiles with respect to digital engagement. Four groups with different achievement goal orientation profiles were identified: mastery-oriented (focused on learning and doing well in school); success-oriented (driven to succeed in school and outperform others); indifferent (had all achievement goals at average level); and avoidance-oriented (sought to avoid schoolwork). Most students tended to remain in a similar group over time. The results indicated that students with either average (indifferent) or high achievement goals (success-oriented) might wish for more digitally mediated schoolwork. Mastery-oriented students tended to have significantly lower schoolwork and sleep impairment related to Internet use than other students. The findings supported previous studies but also provided new insights into relationships between goal orientation profiles and digital engagement.



摘要 当前的研究调查了学生的数字参与度(即数字学习偏好、对数字功课的愿望以及与互联网使用相关的功课和睡眠障碍)与他们从 8 到 9 年级的成就目标取向档案之间的关系。样本包括 1,482来自 26 所学校的芬兰学生(15-16 岁,53% 为女性)。学生的数字参与和成就目标方向通过自我报告的问卷进行评估。潜在概况和潜在转变分析用于调查目标取向概况,并使用 Bolck-Croon-Hagenaars 方法和逻辑回归来探索概况之间在数字参与方面的差异。确定了具有不同成就目标取向概况的四组:以掌握为导向(专注于学习和在学校表现出色);以成功为导向(在学校取得成功并超越他人);无动于衷(所有成就目标都处于平均水平);和回避型(试图避免做功课)。随着时间的推移,大多数学生倾向于留在一个类似的群体中。结果表明,具有一般(冷漠)或高成就目标(以成功为导向)的学生可能希望更多以数字为媒介的功课。与其他学生相比,精通型学生与互联网使用相关的学业和睡眠障碍往往显着降低。这些发现支持了之前的研究,但也为目标导向配置文件和数字参与之间的关系提供了新的见解。无动于衷(所有成就目标均处于平均水平);和回避型(试图避免做功课)。随着时间的推移,大多数学生倾向于留在一个类似的群体中。结果表明,具有一般(冷漠)或高成就目标(以成功为导向)的学生可能希望更多以数字为媒介的功课。与其他学生相比,精通型学生与互联网使用相关的学业和睡眠障碍往往显着降低。这些发现支持了之前的研究,但也为目标导向配置文件和数字参与之间的关系提供了新的见解。无动于衷(所有成就目标均处于平均水平);和回避型(试图避免做功课)。随着时间的推移,大多数学生倾向于留在一个类似的群体中。结果表明,具有一般(冷漠)或高成就目标(以成功为导向)的学生可能希望更多以数字为媒介的功课。与其他学生相比,精通型学生与互联网使用相关的学业和睡眠障碍往往显着降低。这些发现支持了之前的研究,但也为目标导向配置文件和数字参与之间的关系提供了新的见解。结果表明,具有一般(冷漠)或高成就目标(以成功为导向)的学生可能希望更多以数字为媒介的功课。与其他学生相比,精通型学生与互联网使用相关的学业和睡眠障碍往往显着降低。这些发现支持了之前的研究,但也为目标导向配置文件和数字参与之间的关系提供了新的见解。结果表明,具有一般(冷漠)或高成就目标(以成功为导向)的学生可能希望更多以数字为媒介的功课。与其他学生相比,精通型学生与互联网使用相关的学业和睡眠障碍往往显着降低。这些发现支持了之前的研究,但也为目标导向配置文件和数字参与之间的关系提供了新的见解。