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A systematic review of socio-ecological factors contributing to risk and protection of the mental health of refugee children and adolescents
Clinical Psychology Review ( IF 13.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cpr.2020.101930
Florian Scharpf 1 , Elisa Kaltenbach 2 , Angela Nickerson 3 , Tobias Hecker 1

In the past decade, millions of children and adolescents have been forced to flee from protracted or newly erupted violent conflicts. Forcibly displaced children are particularly vulnerable for developing mental health problems. However, a timely and systematic review of the current evidence is lacking. We conducted a systematic review of factors contributing to the mental health of refugee children across different socio-ecological levels (individual, family, community, sociocultural). We systematically searched the databases Medline, PsycINFO, Web of Science, and Cochrane for English studies published in peer-reviewed journals between August 2010 and May 2020. Of the 2413 identified studies, 63 were included in the analyses. Only 24 studies were considered to be of high quality. Pre-migration individual (risk: exposure to war-related trauma, female gender) and post-migration family factors (risk: parental mental health problems and impaired parenting, protective: family cohesion) currently have the best evidence base. Post-migration community (protective: school connectedness, support by peers) and sociocultural factors (risk: discrimination and acculturative stress, protective: integrative acculturation) have gained some support in high-income settings. Prevention and intervention approaches should integrate factors across different socio-ecological levels. More longitudinal studies and research in low- and middle-income countries are needed to advance our knowledge on causal mechanisms behind factors contributing to refugee youth's mental health.



在过去十年中,数百万儿童和青少年被迫逃离旷日持久或新爆发的暴力冲突。被迫流离失所的儿童特别容易出现心理健康问题。然而,缺乏对当前证据的及时和系统的审查。我们对影响不同社会生态层面(个人、家庭、社区、社会文化)的难民儿童心理健康的因素进行了系统审查。我们系统地搜索了 Medline、PsycINFO、Web of Science 和 Cochrane 数据库中 2010 年 8 月至 2020 年 5 月期间发表在同行评审期刊上的英语研究。在 2413 项确定的研究中,有 63 项被纳入分析。只有 24 项研究被认为是高质量的。迁徙前的个人(风险:暴露于与战争有关的创伤,女性)和移民后的家庭因素(风险:父母心理健康问题和育儿受损,保护性:家庭凝聚力)目前拥有最好的证据基础。移民后社区(保护性:学校连通性,同龄人的支持)和社会文化因素(风险:歧视和文化适应压力,保护性:综合性文化适应)在高收入环境中获得了一些支持。预防和干预方法应整合不同社会生态层面的因素。需要在低收入和中等收入国家进行更多纵向研究和研究,以提高我们对导致难民青年心理健康的因素背后的因果机制的认识。家庭凝聚力)目前拥有最好的证据基础。移民后社区(保护性:学校连通性,同龄人的支持)和社会文化因素(风险:歧视和文化适应压力,保护性:综合性文化适应)在高收入环境中获得了一些支持。预防和干预方法应整合不同社会生态层面的因素。需要在低收入和中等收入国家进行更多纵向研究和研究,以提高我们对导致难民青年心理健康的因素背后的因果机制的认识。家庭凝聚力)目前拥有最好的证据基础。移民后社区(保护性:学校连通性,同龄人的支持)和社会文化因素(风险:歧视和文化适应压力,保护性:综合性文化适应)在高收入环境中获得了一些支持。预防和干预方法应整合不同社会生态层面的因素。需要在低收入和中等收入国家进行更多纵向研究和研究,以提高我们对导致难民青年心理健康的因素背后的因果机制的认识。融合文化)在高收入环境中获得了一些支持。预防和干预方法应整合不同社会生态层面的因素。需要在低收入和中等收入国家进行更多纵向研究和研究,以提高我们对导致难民青年心理健康的因素背后的因果机制的认识。融合文化)在高收入环境中获得了一些支持。预防和干预方法应整合不同社会生态层面的因素。需要在低收入和中等收入国家进行更多纵向研究和研究,以提高我们对导致难民青年心理健康的因素背后的因果机制的认识。
