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Evaluation of runoff and soil erosion under conventional tillage and no-till management: A case study in northeast Italy
Catena ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2020.104972
Laura Carretta , Paolo Tarolli , Alessandra Cardinali , Paolo Nasta , Nunzio Romano , Roberta Masin

Conservation agriculture, and in particular no-till systems, generally yield improvements in both soil characteristics (e.g. structure, and water holding capacity) and soil processes (such as runoff and hence erosion). Nevertheless, during the first years of no-till, the soil is prone to compaction due to the poor structure, missing ploughing activities, and passage of tractors and machinery, thus favouring surface runoff and soil erosion. Little information exists about the effect of no-till when applied during the transition period from conventional to conservation agriculture. This study aimed at analysing runoff and soil erosion in a non-tilled field in comparison with a tilled field during the transition period. The study was conducted at the Padova University Experimental Farm, in northeast Italy. Six sub-plots (2.5 m × 5 m) were established, three in a tilled field (CT plot) and three in a non-tilled field (NT plot). Each sub-plot was equipped with a runoff water collection system. Runoff was monitored during two sampling seasons: from May to October 2017 and May to September 2018. Runoff water volume was measured at each rainfall event, and the amount of sediment was quantified by drying the runoff samples. This technique is simple and inexpensive and suitable to be applied also in rural areas with inadequate infrastructures and economic resources. Two indices, runoff reduction benefits (RRB) and sediment reduction benefits (SRB), were computed. During the monitoring period, 24 runoff events occurred. NT practices coincided with reductions of over 50% in runoff volumes and 50% to 95% in sediment losses. Only the runoff event just after the CT soil harrowing produced a significantly lower runoff and sediment loss in CT than in NT field, due to the effect of soil tillage on surface roughness and rainfall infiltration. The average sediment concentration in NT was only 47% of CT. The RRB and SRB values confirmed a reduction in runoff and sediment loss in the NT compared with the CT plot, but SRB was greater than the RRB, indicating that the no-till regime showed a better control of sediment loss than it did the runoff amount. The reduced runoff and sediment yield in the NT plot could have important on-site benefits in terms of both sustainable soil management and surface water quality.



保护性农业,特别是免耕制度,通常会改善土壤特性(例如结构和持水能力)和土壤过程(例如径流和侵蚀)。然而,在免耕的头几年,由于结构不良,耕作活动缺失以及拖拉机和机械的通过,土壤易于压实,因此有利于地表径流和土壤侵蚀。在从传统农业到保护性农业的过渡时期,免耕对耕作的影响知之甚少。这项研究旨在分析过渡时期非耕地和耕作地的径流和土壤侵蚀。该研究是在意大利东北部的帕多瓦大学实验农场进行的。建立了六个子图(2.5 m×5 m),三个在耕地(CT图)中,三个在非耕地(NT图)中。每个子区都配备了径流水收集系统。在两个采样季节(2017年5月至2017年10月和2018年5月至2018年9月)中监测径流量。在每个降雨事件中测量径流量,并通过干燥径流量样本来量化沉积物的量。该技术简单,便宜,适合在基础设施和经济资源不足的农村地区使用。两项指标,减少径流量的收益(在每个降雨事件中测量径流水量,并通过干燥径流样品来定量沉淀物的量。该技术简单,便宜,适合在基础设施和经济资源不足的农村地区使用。两项指标,减少径流量的收益(在每个降雨事件中测量径流水量,并通过干燥径流样品来定量沉淀物的量。该技术简单,便宜,适合在基础设施和经济资源不足的农村地区使用。两项指标,减少径流量的收益(计算了RRB和减沙收益(SRB)。在监测期间,发生了24个径流事件。新界的做法恰好与径流量减少了50%以上和泥沙损失减少了50%至95%相吻合。由于土壤耕作对地表粗糙度和降雨入渗的影响,仅在CT耙土之后的径流事件才在CT产生的径流和泥沙损失明显低于NT田。NT中的平均沉积物浓度仅为CT的47%。该无线电规则委员会SRB值确认径流和泥沙流失在NT的减少与CT的植株比较,但SRB比更大RRB,表明免耕制度比径流量更好地控制了泥沙流失。就可持续的土壤管理和地表水质量而言,北领地的径流和沉积物产量减少可能具有重要的现场效益。
