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The fruits of knowledge co-creation in agriculture and food-related multi-stakeholder platforms in sub-Saharan Africa – A systematic literature review
Agricultural Systems ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.agsy.2020.102949
Edith van Ewijk , Mirjam A.F. Ros-Tonen

Abstract Food insecurity and the weak position of smallholders in food value chains are key challenges in many low- and middle-income countries in sub-Saharan Africa. In order to increase food security and make agricultural value chains more inclusive, donors, governments and researchers increasingly stimulate partnerships between multiple actors, in which knowledge exchange, joint learning and knowledge co-creation play a central role in reducing the time lag between research findings and their translation into practical outcomes. Yet, despite the growing body of literature on multi-actor and cross-sector learning in these partnerships, an overview of existing literature and a strong evidence base of results of knowledge co-creation in these platforms is missing. Based on a systematic literature review, this paper documents existing evidence of knowledge co-creation processes in multi-stakeholder platforms (MSPs) in sub-Saharan Africa. Findings reveal, first, many examples of positive results, including increased yields and income for farmers; policy, regime and institutional changes; and changes in environmental sustainability. Second, there are several limitations to what MSPs can achieve, including limited attention for scaling up and a lack of sustainability due to dependency on donor funding. Third, there are limitations related to the evidence base: there is a tendency to report less on failures and available findings on the effectiveness of MSPs are mixed. Considering the evidence base, we conclude that there is a need to systematically document, report and assess MSPs and not take their effectiveness for granted. A systematic literature review thereby has an important added value because the critical assessment of methodological rigour increases the credibility of results documented in the included studies.



摘要 粮食不安全和小农在粮食价值链中的弱势地位是撒哈拉以南非洲许多低收入和中等收入国家面临的主要挑战。为了提高粮食安全并使农业价值链更具包容性,捐助者、政府和研究人员越来越多地促进多方参与者之间的伙伴关系,其中知识交流、联合学习和知识共同创造在减少研究结果之间的时间滞后方面发挥着核心作用并将其转化为实际成果。然而,尽管在这些伙伴关系中关于多参与者和跨部门学习的文献越来越多,但缺少对现有文献的概述以及这些平台上知识共同创造结果的有力证据基础。根据系统的文献综述,本文记录了撒哈拉以南非洲多利益相关方平台 (MSP) 中知识共创过程的现有证据。调查结果首先揭示了许多积极成果的例子,包括增加农民的产量和收入;政策、制度和体制变化;以及环境可持续性的变化。其次,MSP 可以实现的目标存在若干限制,包括对扩大规模的关注有限以及由于依赖捐助者资金而缺乏可持续性。第三,存在与证据基础相关的局限性:有一种趋势是对失败的报告较少,并且关于 MSP 有效性的现有调查结果喜忧参半。考虑到证据基础,我们得出结论,有必要系统地记录、报告和评估 MSP,而不是将其有效性视为理所当然。