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Evaluating Solar Quiet Variation of the Horizontal Geomagnetic Field using Nonlinear Time Series Analysis Techniques
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-22 , DOI: 10.1134/s0016793220050060
E. O. Falayi , A. S. Ajose , T. O. Roy-Layinde , A. T. Adewole , J. O. Adepitan


In this present paper, the nonlinear time series techniques were used to analyse solar quiet variation in the horizontal component of the geomagnetic field (SqH) data collected from the INTERMAGNET during the year 2012. The complexity of the nonlinear dynamics based on estimated time delay (τ) and embedding dimension (m) are expressed by Lyapunov exponents (LE). The positive values of the Lyapunov exponent for the Addis Abba (AAE), Eskdalemuir (ESK), Hartebeesthoek (HBK), Hermanus (HER), Mbour (MBO), Sodankyla (SOD) and Tamanrasset (TAM) time series are 0.0027, 0.0118, 0.0082, 0.0042, 0.0027, 0.016 and 0.0036 respectively for the year 2012. We observed positive values of Lyapunov exponent which are more significant at high latitudes (ESK and SOD) and mid latitudes (TAM, HBK and HER) which are located outside the electrojet region. The low latitudes (AAE and MBO) have low values of Lyapunov exponent which are located within electrojet region. The internal dynamics and inherent irregularities of ionosphere may be responsible for the occurrence of chaos during the Sq (H) variation, which show evidence of nonlinear properties. The external factors such as counter electrojet (CEJ) and equatorial electrojet (EEJ) might be responsible for inherent dynamics.This may possibly be the reason for the higher and lower values of Lyapunov exponents during SqH.




在本文中,非线性时间序列技术用于分析2012年从INTERMAGNET收集的地磁场(SqH)数据的水平分量中的太阳静变化。基于估计时延的非线性动力学的复杂性( τ和嵌入维数(m)用李雅普诺夫指数(LE)表示。亚的斯亚贝巴(AAE),埃斯卡达缪尔(ESK),哈特比斯托克(HBK),赫曼努斯(HER),莫伯(MBO),苏当基拉(SOD)和塔曼拉塞特Tamanrasset)的Lyapunov指数(TAM)时间序列在2012年分别为0.0027、0.0118、0.0082、0.0042、0.0027、0.016和0.0036。我们观察到Lyapunov指数的正值,在高纬度(ESK和SOD)和中纬度(TAM, HBK和HER)位于电喷区域之外。低纬度(AAE和MBO)的Lyapunov指数值低,位于电喷区域内。电离层的内部动力学和固有的不规则性可能是Sq(H)变化期间出现混沌的原因,这表明非线性特性。反电喷(CEJ)和赤道电喷(EEJ)等外部因素可能是造成固有动力学的原因,这可能是SqH期间Lyapunov指数值较高和较低的原因。
