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A novel downscaling procedure for compositional data in the Aitchison geometry with application to soil texture data
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-29 , DOI: 10.1007/s00477-020-01900-2
Federico Gatti , Alessandra Menafoglio , Niccolò Togni , Luca Bonaventura , Davide Brambilla , Monica Papini , Laura Longoni

In this work, we present a novel downscaling procedure for compositional quantities based on the Aitchison geometry. The method is able to naturally consider compositional constraints, i.e. unit-sum and positivity, accounting for the scale invariance and relative scale of these data. We show that the method can be used in a block sequential Gaussian simulation framework in order to assess the variability of downscaled quantities. Finally, to validate the method, we test it first in an idealized scenario and then apply it for the downscaling of digital soil maps on a more realistic case study. The digital soil maps for the realistic case study are obtained from SoilGrids, a system for automated soil mapping based on state-of-the-art spatial predictions methods.



